A simple module to make it easy to control LEDs. Works on any linux system with /sys/class/leds.
Assign a friendly name to each LED that makes sense for your application. An example configuration for the Alix 2D boards:
# in your app's config/config.exs:
config :leds, name_map: [
power: "alix:1",
connected: "alix:2",
alert: "alix:3"
Now, in our application code, we can easily use an LED:
Leds.set power: true
We can even set multiple states for multiple LEDs at once:
Leds.set connected: false, alert: :fastblink
There's also built-in handling for the common scenario where we want to keep an LED on as long as something happens once in a while (like keeping a connection light lit as data keeps coming).
Leds.alive :connected, 2000
Normally, this will illuminate the LED for 2 seconds, but by repeating the above call within 2 seconds, the LED is kept on indefinitely.
LEDs have several states predefined, but you can override the default set of states in config.exs:
# in your app's config/config.exs:
config :leds, :state_map, [
true: [ brightness: "1" ],
false: [ brightness: "0" ],
slowblink: [ trigger: "timer", delay_off: "250", delay_on: "250" ],
fastblink: [ trigger: "timer", delay_off: "80", delay_on: "50" ],
slowwink: [ trigger: "timer", delay_on: "1000", delay_off: "100" ],
heartbeat: [ trigger: "heartbeat" ]
The above example shows a custom set of states (which happen to be the default settings). See the linux documentation on sys/class/leds to understand the meaning of trigger, delay, and brightness levels.
- linux only, requires /sys/class/leds
- most but not all /sys/class/leds features are currently implemented
- must currently redefine all states upon customization (can't add one)
- tests don't cover keepalive functionality yet