The midterm project aims to develop a deep learning model which can identify the three constituent elements in a handwritten Bengli character.
Links for the Blogs can be found at
- Initial Blog:
- Midway Blog:
- Final Blog:
The link for the inference Kaggle Kernel:
- python version-Python 3.6.9
- Deep learning models-tensorflow==2.1.0 and keras==2.2.4
- Training utility functions-scikit-learn==0.22.1
- Data analysis-pandas==1.0.1
- Linear algebra-numpy==1.18.1
- Visualizaiton-matplotlib==3.1.3
- Image preprocessing-opencv==4.2.0 and pillow==5.1.0
- Image augmentation albumentations==0.4.3
- Starter EDA and Basic Model Kaggle notebook 1
- Mode codes related to EDA Kaggle notebook 2