- ⬇️ Download BitwigBuddy-0.9.8-beta.zip from the Release page
- 📂 Extract the zip to the /Bitwig Studio/Extensions/ folder. Be sure to extract the BitwigBuddy subfolder as well. It contains sample custom presets as txt files.
- Windows:
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\Bitwig Studio\Extensions
- If your Documents folder is in OneDrive, it might be in
%USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Documents\Bitwig Studio\Extensions
- If your Documents folder is in OneDrive, it might be in
- macOS:
~/Documents/Bitwig Studio/Extensions
- Linux:
~/Bitwig Studio/Extensions
- Windows:
- 🟧 In Bitwig, go to Settings > Controller > Add Extension > Centomila > BitwigBuddy
All the notable changes to this project are documented in this file.
Check all the upcoming features and improvements in the Project Page
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