An example of an appliance built with bootc. Designed for your friend who wants a home server with a webui, and tailscale in case they need you to go fix something. 😄 This is based on Universal Blue's ccos base image, which brings in CoreOS features.
- portainer - to manage containerized applications
- cockpit - to manage the system via a webuit and included web terminal
- tailscale - for VPN
Then follow the installation instructions, remember to set up networking in the installer before continuing with the installation!
After first boot:
- access the system maintenance webui, login with your username and password.https://<ipaddress>:9443
- access the portainer webui
Tailscale is available via the tailscale
- Let's Encrypt setup
- Magical DNS things to make it easy to run as a home server
Clone this repo then run this to build an iso:
sudo podman run --rm -it --privileged --pull=newer --net=host --security-opt label=type:unconfined_t -v $(pwd)/image-builder-iso.config.toml:/config.toml:ro -v $(pwd)/output:/output -v /var/lib/containers/storage:/var/lib/containers/storage --type anaconda-iso