This application illustrates the Central Limit Theorem, specifically how it tends to a Gaussian distribution when multiple probability distributions are added. As such, distributions that are far away from Gaussian are available to add to the existing distribution.
Although this is a tool that I use in a course, this is also a test bed for different technologies. As such, the language and frameworks may change for no reason other that I wanted too.
This application uses Tauri with the frontend (GUI) build with SolidStart.
First install the
prerequisites for Tauri.
After cloning the repository, run npm install
in the root folder to install
all the JavaScript dependencies.
To run a development version, first install the Tauri CLI application (either
the Rust or JavaScript version). With the Tauri CLI installed, run
npm run dev
. To build the target for the local platform, run npm run build
The resulting executable will be in the src-tauri/target/release
folder. The
release version can be previewed using npm run start
GitHub actions are used to generate release versions.