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WARNING!!!!! Please be aware of the risks asociated with electronics and take the relivant percautuions.
An open source noise maker that saw its life as a Kickstarter product in 2017 and has now become open.
The design originates from this kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/218568730/the-yowler-a-community-built-diy-noise-synth and features: 4 square wave oscilators with knobs and switchible ldr's 3 xor gates used to mix the signals 1 primitive vca made from back to back diodes a rc low pass filter a decay cap trigger button/jack sterio/mono out built in speaker
Please use the design files and ideas in this project to make your own stuff, and share your designs and creations with others. If you come up with any great ideas or mods, please tell me so i can roll good ideas back into the main design.