Some experiments with numbers that are cubes
Following are essential:
It is recommended to also use the following for experimenting with the source code:
git clone
cd cubes/
gradle check
gradle test -i
- A nice html page showing unit test results will be available at ./build/reports/tests/index.html
- Application description: A stand-alone scala app
- Build and Dependency management: Gradle is used for this
- Algorithms used: See below
- Unit Tests: A few representative Junit4 unit tests are included.
- Finding cuberoots is more difficult than finding cubes
- So we can memoize and start calculating cubes of all numbers from 1 to some upper limit
- For each such cube that we calculate, the digits that constitute it can be used for identifying permutations
- CodePoint identification: Compute histogram for digits 0-9 and the resulting number is the codepoint. For example: codePoint(1252) = 0120010000
- FingerPrint identification: Sort the digits. For example: fingerprint(1225L) = 1225
- Leverage the cache used for memoizing to maintain cubes that yield the same codePoint/fingerPrint
- Scan the cache to find desired length groups of cubes and return smallest amongst them
- Upper limits are heuristics. For example for k = 3, an upper limit of 1000 is ok to find smallest cube (345).
cubes is licensed under the MIT license. It is primarily intended for fun and instructive purposes. Use this at your own risk.
Chaitanya Ganoo