Matrix package with cache-aware lock-free tiling optimization.
The following illustrates some basic usage of gomat
// Create 2x3 matrix, specified its value
// New() will throw error if provided values
// is ineuqal to its dimension
A, err := gomat.New(2, 3)(
1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
// Create a 3x4 random matrix
B := gomat.Rand(3, 4)
// Create a 2x4 zero matrix
C := gomat.Zero(2, 4)
// C = A x B, throw err if dimentionality error
err = A.Dot(B, C)
err = A.Dot(B, C) // with concurrency optimization
// or
C, err := gomat.Dot(A, B) // alloc new matrix inside Dot
MIT © changkun