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Running InfoSphere Streams benchmark

Samantha Chan edited this page Jun 13, 2014 · 4 revisions

Before you begin, create the dataset required by the InfoSphere Streams benchmark: [Create dataset for InfoSphere Streams benchmark](Create dataset for InfoSphere Streams benchmark)


The StreamsEmailBenchmark project contains the InfoSphere streams application for processing the emails.


  1. Before you can compile and run the application, you need to copy two directories from StreamsPrepareDataset project to the root of StreamsEmailBenchmark:
  • avroDecode
  • avroEncode
  1. Copy your serialized/compressed dataset (obtained using StreamsPrepareDataset) to StreamsEmailBenchmark/data

Note: Naming convention should be filename0.av to filename<parallelism>.av


To build the application, go to the root directory of StreamsEmailBenchmark, and type make all PARALLELISM=<parallelism> at the command line.


To run the application:

  1. Make sure a streams instance is created and started
  2. To submit the job to the streams instance: streamtool submitjob output/Main/Distributed/Main.adl filename=<input_file_name> windowTime=<flush_interval_for_metrics> printWindowMetrics=<yes_or_no>