Model for prediction of iron redox in magmatic liquids
Copyright Roberto Moretti (2005)
MIT licence, see Licence file.
Roberto Moretti (IPGP),
Charles Le Losq (IPGP),
A working fortran compiler. We suggest using gfortran, tested on Mac and Linux. It works well with this software!
Download the repository, and use the provided example input file. It first requires compilation of the FORTRAN source, then running the compilated software.
To create the program, with gfortran, in the terminal on Linux or MacOS:
$ gfortran iron2.for -o iron2.o
The software takes an input file,, which contains the compositions of interest.
It returns an output file, iron2.RDX
Run in the terminal, after compilation, run the command:
$ ./iron2.o
This is a text files, where values are separated by commas.
First line: enters the number of lines to process, leave other columns empty.
then subsequent lines, enter your composition and conditions in the order
SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, Cr2O3, FeO, Mno, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, H2O, T°C, Pbar, logfO2, INTEGER, FLAG,
oxides are wt% (normalization done internally)
INTEGER: whatever you want, leave 1
FLAG: 0 or 2; if O takes logfO2 and calculates FeO and Fe2O3; if 2 takes FeO and Fe2O3 and calculates logfO2
Results are outputed in the file OUTPUT.txt. Everything is self explanatory in this file, with a header.