Ideias Roubadas III
is a work inspired by the proposal of the UPIC system, developed by Iannis Xenakis in collaboration with the Centre d'Etudes de Mathématique et Automatique Musicales (CEMAMu) in Paris. Like UPIC, this piece employs an approach that manipulates visual elements to generate music using PureData to render the audio. I employ the concept of instruments (inspired by Csound) to render the sounds. Each color represents a sound or a set of instructions for spacialization, envelope, and others.
I am using PureData/Plugdata to render the score, you will need:
- pd-else;
- pd-cyclone;
- py4pd (and Python);
- py4pd-upic and Inkscape;
- py4pd-orchidea;
- earplug~;
You also need to download and configure Orchidea Sol for orchidea