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Your personal markdown scribe with template-engine and Git(Hub) & RSS powers πŸ“œ


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Your personal markdown scribe with template-engine and Git(Hub) & RSS powers πŸ“œ

You can run markscribe as a GitHub Action: readme-scribe


Render a template to stdout:

markscribe template.tpl

Render to a file:

markscribe -write /tmp/ template.tpl


Packages & Binaries

If you use Brew, you can simply install the package:

brew install charmbracelet/tap/markscribe

Or download a binary from the releases page. Linux (including ARM) binaries are available, as well as Debian and RPM packages.

Build From Source

Alternatively you can also build markscribe from source. Make sure you have a working Go environment (Go 1.16 or higher is required). See the install instructions.

To install markscribe, simply run:

go get


You can find an example template to generate a GitHub profile README under templates/github-profile.tpl. Make sure to fill in (or remove) placeholders, like the RSS-feed or social media URLs.

Rendered it looks a little like my own profile page:


RSS feed

{{range rss "https://domain.tld/feed.xml" 5}}
Title: {{.Title}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Published: {{humanize .PublishedAt}}

Your recent contributions

{{range recentContributions 10}}
Name: {{.Repo.Name}}
Description: {{.Repo.Description}}
URL: {{.Repo.URL}})
Occurred: {{humanize .OccurredAt}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user.

Your recent pull requests

{{range recentPullRequests 10}}
Title: {{.Title}}
URL: {{.URL}}
State: {{.State}}
CreatedAt: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}
Repository name: {{.Repo.Name}}
Repository description: {{.Repo.Description}}
Repository URL: {{.Repo.URL}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user.

Repositories you recently starred

{{range recentStars 10}}
Name: {{.Repo.Name}}
Description: {{.Repo.Description}}
URL: {{.Repo.URL}})
Stars: {{.Repo.Stargazers}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user.

Repositories you recently created

{{range recentCreatedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user or read:org if you provide an organization name.

Repositories with the most stars

{{range popularRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
NameWithOwner: {{.NameWithOwner}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: read:org, public_repo, read:user


Use {{with repo "charmbracelet .Name"}} to create a pipeline that grabs additional information about the repo including releases.

Custom GitHub repository

{{with repo "charmbracelet" "markscribe"}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
Is Private: {{.IsPrivate}}
Last Git Tag: {{.LastRelease.TagName}}
Last Release: {{humanize .LastRelease.PublishedAt}}

Recent releases to a given repository

{{range recentRepoReleases "charmbracelet" "markscribe" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Git Tag: {{.TagName}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Published: {{humanize .PublishedAt}}
CreatedAt: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}
IsPreRelease: {{.IsPreRelease}}
IsDraft: {{.IsDraft}}
IsLatest: {{.IsLatest}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user.

Forks you recently created

{{range recentForkedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user or read:org if you provide an organization name.

Latest released projects

{{range latestReleasedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}})
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}
Last Release Name: {{.LastRelease.TagName}}
Last Release URL: {{.LastRelease.URL}}
Last Release Date: {{humanize .LastRelease.PublishedAt}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user, read:org.

Recent releases you contributed to

{{range recentReleases 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Git Tag: {{.LastRelease.TagName}}
URL: {{.LastRelease.URL}}
Published: {{humanize .LastRelease.PublishedAt}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user.

Recent pushes

{{range recentPushedRepos "charmbracelet" 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Description: {{.Description}}
Stars: {{.Stargazers}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: public_repo, read:org.


Use {{with repo "charmbracelet .Name"}} to create a pipeline that grabs additional information about the repo including releases.

Your published gists

{{range gists 10}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Description: {{.Description}}
URL: {{.URL}}
Created: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user.

Your latest followers

{{range followers 5}}
Username: {{.Login}}
Name: {{.Name}}
Avatar: {{.AvatarURL}}
URL: {{.URL}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: read:user.

Your sponsors

{{range sponsors 5}}
Username: {{.User.Login}}
Name: {{.User.Name}}
Avatar: {{.User.AvatarURL}}
URL: {{.User.URL}}
Created: {{humanize .CreatedAt}}

This function requires GitHub authentication with the following API scopes: repo:status, public_repo, read:user, read:org.

Your GoodReads reviews

{{range goodReadsReviews 5}}
- {{.Book.Title}} - {{.Book.Link}} - {{.Rating}} - {{humanize .DateUpdated}}
{{- end}}

This function requires GoodReads API key!

Your GoodReads currently reading books

{{range goodReadsCurrentlyReading 5}}
- {{.Book.Title}} - {{.Book.Link}} - {{humanize .DateUpdated}}
{{- end}}

This function requires GoodReads API key!

Your currently reading books

{{range literalClubCurrentlyReading 5}}
- {{.Title}} - {{.Subtitle}} - {{.Description}} -{{.Slug}}
  {{- range .Authors }}{{ .Name }}{{ end }}
{{- end}}

This function requires a LITERAL_EMAIL and LITERAL_PASSWORD.

Template Engine

markscribe uses Go's powerful template engine. You can find its documentation here:

Template Helpers

markscribe comes with sprout and a few more template helpers:

To format timestamps, call humanize:

{{humanize .Timestamp}}

GitHub Authentication

In order to access some of GitHub's API, markscribe requires you to provide a valid GitHub token in an environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN. You can create a new token by going to your profile settings:

Developer settings > Personal access tokens > Generate new token

GoodReads API key

In order to access some of GoodReads' API, markscribe requires you to provide a valid GoodReads key in an environment variable called GOODREADS_TOKEN. You can create a new token by going here. Then you need to go to your repository and add it, Settings -> Secrets -> New secret. You also need to set your GoodReads user ID in your secrets as GOODREADS_USER_ID.


Q: That's awesome, but can you expose more APIs and data?
A: Of course, just open a new issue and let me know what you'd like to do with markscribe!

Q: That's awesome, but I don't have my own server to run this on. Can you help?
A: Check out readme-scribe, a GitHub Action that runs markscribe for you!


Your personal markdown scribe with template-engine and Git(Hub) & RSS powers πŸ“œ



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  • Go 94.0%
  • Smarty 5.6%
  • Dockerfile 0.4%