- The Core Planners: chef-core-planners@chef.io
Binary package
Binary packages can be set as runtime or build time dependencies. See Defining your dependencies for more information.
To add core/grep as a depdendency, you can add one of the following to your plan file.
To install this plan, you should run the following commands to first install, and then link the binaries this plan creates.
hab pkg install core/grep
» Installing core/grep
☁ Determining latest version of core/grep in the 'stable' channel
☛ Verifying core/grep/3.3/20200305232635
✓ Installed core/grep/3.3/20200305232635
★ Install of core/grep/3.3/20200305232635 complete with 1 new packages installed.
hab pkg binlink core/grep
» Binlinking fgrep from core/grep into /bin
★ Binlinked fgrep from core/grep/3.3/20200305232635 to /bin/fgrep
You can now use the binary as normal:
/bin/grep --help
or grep --help
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERNS [FILE]...
Search for PATTERNS in each FILE.
Example: grep -i 'hello world' menu.h main.c
PATTERNS can contain multiple patterns separated by newlines.
Pattern selection and interpretation:
-E, --extended-regexp PATTERNS are extended regular expressions
-F, --fixed-strings PATTERNS are strings
-G, --basic-regexp PATTERNS are basic regular expressions
-P, --perl-regexp PATTERNS are Perl regular expressions
-e, --regexp=PATTERNS use PATTERNS for matching