The system is implemented with various Amazon Web Service, supports recommendation, ordering and intelligent review.
- # through registering or using a google account.
- # using the account created.
- chat with lexbot with text to provide anticipate restuarant info and get recommendation with text messages
- make orders for certain restuarants
- review certain restuarants with star, text and selfie rating
- AWS S3: Host webpage producing by HTML and Javascript
- AWS API Gateway: Integrates with AWS Lambda
- AWS Cognito: Realized user verification and security
- AWS Lex: Proceed natural language analyzing of user chat content
- AWS SQS: Message queue for transmitting user messages
- AWS Cloud Watch: Trigger lambda for certain period
- AWS DynamoDB: Store user, restuarant and dish info
- AWS SNS: Send text message to users
- AWS Rekognition: Face Recognition
- AWS Comprehension: Sentiment Analysis
- AWS Lambda: Backend logistic processing for the whole system