This is the source for the website, the home of Chico++, a social learning collaborative in Chico, CA. We get together every Wednesday at Idea Fab Labs to discuss topics of interest and learn by building together.
The original scaffold for this application was created by App Scrolls. The project was created with the following scrolls:
- activerecord
- minitest
- factory_girl
- rails_basics
- jquery
- scss
- zurb_foundation
- rubycloud
- git
- pry
- heroku
- rbenv
- services
- postgresql
- unicorn
- canonical_host
- s3
- simple_form
- app_emails
- google_analytics
- yui_compressor
- role_model
- strong_parameters
- devise
- cancan
- carrierwave
- active_admin
- exception_notifier
- newrelic
- fog
- remotipart
- imgsizer
- respond
- jcrop
- jquery_expander
- fancybox
- font_awesome
- mail_form
- database_cleaner
- minitest_capybara
- turn
- spin
- kicker
- mini_magick
- forgery