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hskymon is a telescope monitoring software for
SUBARU Telescope. It can be useful for actual observation and
also for obs preparation as a telescope simulator.
It is developed on a linux (ubuntu) system with Gtk+2.8 or later (and
xmlrpc-c if you connect to the Gen2 status server).
You can use it on your PCs -- any UNIX, Microsoft Windows (binary with installer is available), and MacOSX.
- You can downlod the latest version via github.
% git clone https://github.com/chimari/hskymon.git
- source code (common for UNIX/Windows) -- ver-2.8.12-20170227
- Windws 32bit ver. (maybe OK also in 64bit OS. WinXP or later / This version cannot connect to the Gen2 status server.) with installer -- ver2.8.12
- Windws 64bit ver. (Test release. If you've installed the 32bit ver. hskymon, please uninstall it prior to the installation. / This version cannot connect to the Gen2 status server.) with installer -- ver2.8.12
- Change Log
- extract the source tar ball and change directory.
- If you download the source code via git
% git clone https://github.com/chimari/hskymon.git
This is necessary to avoid errors on aclocal.% cd hskymon % touch configure configure.ac aclocal.m4 Makefile.am Makefile.in
or ./configure --with-xmlrpc (XMLRPC option to connect with the Gen2 status server)
If you compile with the XMLRPC option, you need libxmlrpc-c-devel (or something like that in your distribution) package.
If you find some errors concerning aclocal etc. stop the configure script, please use ./autogen.sh instead of ./configure . - make
- sudo make install
- tested on El Capitan (10.11)
- Install Xcode (via AppStore)** Start up Xcode at once to agree its license issue, then install its additional application following the instruction.
- Install Xquartz. It is, possibly, not necessary? I met some cases that donwloaded images (AllSky Camera and Finding Charts) are not displayed correctly w/o XQuartz.
- Here, I just describe how to build hskymon on the OSX environment in which HomeBrew is used as a package manager instead of fink.
- (Move from fink to HomeBrew) If you are using fink,
$ sudo rm -rf /sw
to remove fink files. If you are using MacPort, uninstall all ports.
- (Start HomeBrew) Use a script (found in the above HomeBrew page),
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
in your terminal to install HomeBrew.
- Install required packages to build via HomeBrew.
$ brew install gtk+ $ brew unlink libxml2 $ brew uninstall libxml2 $ brew install --with-python libxml2 $ brew link libxml2 --force $ brew install automake $ brew install --with-cocoa --srgb emacs
- If you want to find some packages in HomeBrew, use
$ brew search (keyword)
- Copy the latest source code of hskymon via git.
$ git clone https://github.com/chimari/hskymon.git
$ cd hskymon
$ touch configure configure.ac aclocal.m4 Makefile.am Makefile.in
- Edit ''main.h'' in the source.~
line 5
#undef USE_OSX
should be edited as
#define USE_OSX
- configure
$ ./configure
- make
$ make
- Install
$ make install
The binary ''hskymon'' would be installed into /usr/local/bin .
It can be started up with
$ hskymon
in your terminal.
- In OSX, the displays of SkyMon, FC, Plot, and AD Chart would not follow the resize of their windows. Please use these windows in their default size.
- If you have Gdk-Warning such as
Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to set the permissions of `/Users/taji/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: No such file or directory
Please make a directory.
$ mkdir /Users/taji/.local
$ mkdir /Users/taji/.local/share
- Just download and execute the installer (.EXE)
- Windows ver. of hskymon does not have XMLRPC option.
- You can compile this program on the Windows system with msys + mingw + gtk for Win32.
- Extract the source tar-ball in your msys environment. Then, run makewin32.sh to create hskymon.exe in ~/dist/bin/ .
- Download of msys2 from here. You should use 64bit ver., if your system is 64bit OS (64Bit=x86_64, 32Bit=i686).
- Update msys2
$ pacman -Suy
- Installation of some programs
You can search packages with
$ pacman -S vim gcc git gcc-libs openssh make $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libxml2 $ pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk2 $ pacman -S automake autoconf libtool openssl
$ pacman -Ss (a part of package name)
- Clone the source code via git
% git clone https://github.com/chimari/hskymon.git
- touch
% cd hskymon % touch configure configure.ac aclocal.m4 Makefile.am Makefile.in
- Edit makewin32.sh and execute
remove '-m pentium3' CFLAGS=-O3 --> -O2。
You can use the following types for your target list.
You can use OPE files for Subaru SOSs/Gen2.
- If OPE load some PRM file, in which stores standard stars, they are also automatically loaded. Or you can merge any PRM files manually (
Menu in Main Window-->File-->Merge PRM
). - If you are using hskymon with XMLRPC option on Gen2 system, you can synchronizedly open OPE files opened in IntegGUI (
Menu in Main window-->File-->Sync OPE with IntegGUI
You can also use CSV list text files for your target list like
Object Name, RA(hhmmss.ss), Dec(ddmmss.ss), Equinox, Free comments
For example,
HD94028 ,105128.1 ,+201639.0 ,2000,
BD+36 2165 ,111248.0 ,+354343.9 ,2000, Mv=8.4 Fe/H=-2
HD97916 ,111554.2 ,+020512.1 ,2000, Mv=10.2 Fe/H=-2
BD+51 1696 ,114635.2 ,+505254.7 ,2000,
BD-13 3442 ,114650.7 ,-140643.5 ,2000,
Load CSV list files : `Menu in Main window-->File-->Open(Merge) CSV List`.
In Gen2 system Gen2 : Menu in Main Window-->File-->Sync OPE w/IntegGUI
to synchronize OPE files opened in IntegGUI.
Other environment : Menu in Main Window-->File-->Open OPE
or Merge OPE for additional OPE files.
In this case, you can prepare a CSV text for your target list and put it into the same directory where OPE files are stored.
You can change the mode in Main Window from Current to Set mode.
Then, specify Date and HST to be presented, and click the most left button in Action (Set Date & Time) to display the celestial condition at the specific time and date.
- In this Set mode, you can use Rew/FF buttons in Action to show the backward/forward animation. The animation stop with the same button.
- Evening/Morning buttons set the time to the evening/morning on the specific date.
Push All Sky Camera in ASC/TelStat of Main Window.
- The default update interval is 120 seconds.
- The differential image between the latest two images is displayed to enhance the contrast of clouds in default.
If you want to see raw images of AllSky Camera, please check offAllSky-Cam-->Show Diff. Image
in the menu.
- SkyCheck mode enables you to show the animation using the latest 20 frames of AllSky camera to check the recent sky condition.
- For quick sky check, you can hide all characters and objects in Sky Monitor with Hide Objects and Characters button in ASC/TelStat.
Push Telescope Status button (Subaru logo at the most right side) in ASC/TelStat.
- It can be stopped by network troubles or reset of Gen2 side. In such case, an error message will appear on the top-right corner of the Sky Monitor. Push again Telescope Status button to recover.
Choose List-->Object List in the menu of Main Window to pop up Object List Window.
Select an object in Main Target TAB in Object List Window, then push Plot button at the bottom.
- In Plot Window, you can change the display range of X-axis with mouse wheel scroll.
- You can select the center of X-axis among MidNight/Current/Meridian.
Select an object in Main Target TAB in Object List Window, then push Finding Chart button at the bottom.
- The finding chart image will be retrieved from the other sites (SkyView, SDSS etc.) via HTTP connection. In some cases, network connection makes rhis function slow/heavy. Please wait, retry, or try other source in such case. If there are no data at the specific sky area (e.g., SDSS), a simple black screen would appear.
- You can change the source, size, display scale of the finding chart image in Image Source frame of Finding Chart Window. Please push Download & Redraw button after changed parameters in this frame to retrieve the new image reflected your parameter changes.
- You can select an instrument for FOV of the chart in Instrument frame. The position angle and flip of the image can be also specified. After changed parameters in this frame, please push Redraw button to reflect your change. If you connected to the Gen2 status server, the current instrument on Gen2 system will be automatically selected.
Please select a object in Main Target TAB of Object List Window, then use Browse command at the bottom of the window. The query result 2 arcmin around the target will be appeared in the browser.
The positions of stars, moon, and sun are correct? They look to be shifted a little bit in Sky Monitor.
The fish-eye camera usually makes an image non-linear along the zenith angle. That's why such shits (along elevation direction mainly) happened among them. The positions of all objects are updated every minute considering their precession. Its precision is within a few seconds.
File -- Sync OPE w/IntegGUI : Synchronize OPE files which opened in IntegGUI (only w/XMLRPC option).
Up to 32 OPE files; Max of object numbers in total is 2000.- Open OPE : Open an OPE files in local system.
- Merge OPE : Merge an OPE file in local system.
- Reload OPE : Reload OPE files already opened.
- Merge PRM : Merge PRM files manually.
- Open CSV List : Open CSV text list in local system.
- Merge CSV List : Merge CSV text list in local system.
- Quit : Quit the program.
- Object List : Open Object List Window.
- AzEl : Recalculate and redraw positions of all objects (This is not necessary in usual operation, because they are updated every minute).
Show Diff. Image : ON/OFF of differential image for AllSky Camera.
-- Diff. Parameters : Change parameters for creating differential images (contrast, base, averaging filters etc.). After changed parameters, new differential images will be created automatically.
- Contrast : Contrast for differential images (Larger number create higher contrast).
- Base : Zero point for differential images (Larger number create brighter image).
- Filtering : Averaging filters for noise reduction.
Diaplay Parameters : Change display parameters for AllSky Camera (To make a good contrast with objects on the skymonitor, AllSky Camera images can be darken.).
- Screen : Parameters to change the brightness of AllSky Camera images.
- Saturation Factor : Larger number makes higher contrasted images.
Show Diff. Image : ON/OFF of differential image for AllSky Camera.
-- Diff. Parameters : Change parameters for creating differential images (contrast, base, averaging filters etc.). After changed parameters, new differential images will be created automatically.
Search Param.
Standard : Change parameters for standard star search.
Change search parameters for Standard command button in Main Target TAB of Object List Window (Standard Locator/Rapid Rotator/Mid-IR Standard)- Sky Area : delta RA and delta Dec. from the target.
- Database Query : Change search parameters for database query in Finding Chart Window.
Standard : Change parameters for standard star search.
- About : About this program.
Help : Help for Main Window.
-- Properties : Open Properties Window to change the configuration of the program.
Changes will be saved in ~/.hskymon and will be also reflected form the next start up.
- Current : Display objects in current time.
- Set : Display objects in specified time.
- SkyCheck : Display an animation of latest 20 All Sky Camera images to check the sky condition.
Date : Date for Set mode.
HST : Local time for Set mode (Area name changes with observatory configuration.)
- All Sky Camera : Start to access to All Sky Camera (every 2 minutes in default).
- Hide Objects unused in OPE file : Hide objects not used in GetObject in OPE files.
- Hide Objects and Characters : Hide all objects and character in the skymonitor for quick check of the sky condition.
- Telescope Status : Start to connect to the Gen2 status server to get the telescope status (every 3 seconds; only w/XMLRPC option).
Action -- Set Date & Time : In Set mode : Calculate and draw positions in specified time.
In Current mode : Set the current date and time into Date and HST GUI.- Evening : (Set mode) Set the time to evening (sunset +24 min) of the specified date.
Rew : (Set mode) Start reverse animation.
-- FF : (Set mode) Start animation.
Click again to stop the animation. - Mornning : (Set mode) Set the time to morning (sunrise -24 min) of the specified date.
- Sz. : Change the font size of object names.
The table in this TAB synchronize by clicking an object in Main Window.
The parameters shown in the table can be configured in Properties Window.
- Check mark : Only checked objects appear in Sky Monitor.
- Lock mark : (Only w/XMLRPC option) The Subaru logo will appear here for the obeject at which telescope might be watching.
The locked object is selected when the distance between the object's coordinate and the current telescope position is less than 1 degree and the smallest among the object list.
Of course, the telescope offset and dithering offset is not counting here. This means that this lock mark is not perfect in all time.
- Object Number :
OPE file number
-Object number in OPE file
, Sortable - Def. : Definition in OPE file, Sortable. Not displayed in default setting. Please change the configuration in Properties Window.
- Name : Object names. Colored in each OPE file, Sortable
- Az : Azimuth [deg], Sortable Az display ramge can be changed in AzEl at the bottom of this TAB (default: -180 to +180).
- El : Elevation [deg], Sortable
- Up/Down mark : Current status of the object mortion.
- Blue : El > 60
- Green : 30 < El < 60
- Yellow : 15 < El < 30 (out of ADC range)
- Red : 0 < El < 15 (out of Telescope range)
- not displayed : El < 0
- Max. El : Max Elevation [deg] and telescope direction at meridian (N or S), Sortable. Not displayed in default setting. Please change the configuration in Properties Window.
- Sec Z : Airmass (sec(z)). Not displayed in default setting. Please change the configuration in Properties Window.
- HA : Hour Angle [hour], Sortable
- Slew : (Only w/XMLRPC option) Slewing time from the current telescope position [min&sec], Sortable
AD : Atmospheric Dispersion [arcsec]
The distabce between the observing and the guiding wavelengths. Each wavelength can be changed in Properties Window (default: 3500 and 6500).
- Ang : Prallactic Angles [deg], (N=0deg, E=90deg)
- H-PA : Position angle in HDS w/o ImR [deg] Not displayed in default setting. Please change the configuration in Properties Window.
- Moon : Separation from the moon [deg]. Not displayed in default setting. Please change the configuration in Properties Window.
RA : Right Accession
, Sortable -
Dec : Declination
, Sortable - Epoch : Equinox [year]
- Note : Free comments (only for CSV list)
These should be used after selected a target in the table.
Plot : Display Plot Window (Elevation etc.).
AD : Display Atmospheric Dispersion Chart.
Finding Chart : Display Finding Chart Window.
Add : Add an object into the list. Its coordinate can be queried in SIMBAD or NED.
Del : Delete the object from the table.
Up : Move the object upper side.
Down : Move the object down side.
AzEl : Change the Azimuth display range. Select one of the following, then push reload button.
- -270 : -270 < Az < +90
- Normal : -180 < Az < +180
- +270 : -90 < Az <+270
Reload button : Update positions of objects (not necessary in usual operation, because the program automatically calculate them every minute).
Browse : Open web browser to access to the web data base sites. Select one of the following, the clock Go.
- SDSS (Data Release 8)
- MAST (Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes) : Observation database mainly for HST
- MAST Portal : Interactive site of MAST
- IRSA : NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive : Observation database mainly for Infrared
- Spitzer Archive
- CASIS (Cornel Atlas of Spitzer/IRS Sources) : Spitzer/IRS quick reduced spectra
Standard : Search standard for the object selected in Main Target TAB. Select one of the following database and click Search. The result will be displayed in Standard TAB.
- Standard Locator : Query stars with specified magnitudes and spectral types in UKIRT Faint Standards, HIPPARCOS, or SAO catalogs.
- Rapid Rotator : Query rapid rotators with specified magnitudes and spectral types.
-- Mid-IR Standard : Query stars with specified IRAS fluxes.
Above 3 connect to SIMBAD to query the database. A temporary file, /tmp/database_fc.xml , will be created.
The followings are the program own database. - ESO Opt/UV Standard : Display stars in ESO Optical and UV spectrophotometric standard.
- IRAF 1D-std (spec16/50) : Display IRAF onedspec standards (spec16 and spec50).
- HST CALSPEC : Display stars in HST CALSPEC.
- HDS Efficiency : Display spectrophotometric standards for Subaru HDS efficiency measurement.
The result of Standard Search in Main Target TAB will be shown here (Max 100 stars).
The resultant standards are displayed in Main Window
with pink circles (red ones are the selected standard in this TAB). The table may be sorted by Dist.(distance from the target [deg]).
- Find Standard : Re-query standards.
- Display Standards in SkyMon : ON/OFF of the display of standards in Main Window.
- Browse : Browse the selected standard in SIMBAD using a web browser.
- OPE Def. : Create a definition for OPE file, Copy to clipboard with the button on the right side to edit OPE files in a text editor.
Display the objects list queried in Finding Chart Window (Max. 500 objects).
Functions of each button in this TAB is almost same as ones in Standard TAB.
Parameter : Parameter to be plotted in Y-axis.
- Elevation : Elevation
- Azimuth : Azimuth (-180 -- +180 deg)
- Atmospheric Dispersion : Atmospheric dispersion and Parallactic angle.
- AD-PA vs El. : Parallactic angle and Elevation.
- Separation from the Moon : Separation from the moon and Elevation.
- HDS PA w/o ImR : NsOpt HDS position angle w/o Image Rotator (ImR)
- Refresh : Redraw the plot (Automatic redraw in Current mode every minute)
- Quit : Close this window.
- Save as PDF : Save the plot to PDF.
Print Out : Print out the plot.
-- Plot Moon : Display the moon elevation plot.
Because the calculation of the moon position require some extent of CPU time, the refresh of the plot might go slow..
- Single Object : Plot only one object selected in Main Target TAB.
- Selected Objects : Plot objects checked in Main Target TAB.
- All Objects : Plot all objects.
Centered on : Center of X-axis.
- MidNight : Midnight (0h).
- Current : Current time (fixed to 1/4 from the left.)
- Meridian : Object's meridian time.
The X display range can be changed with the mouse scroll wheel.
Image Source : After changed parameters in this frame, please click Download & Redraw to retrieve the new finding chart image.
- Download & Redraw : Download and redraw the finding chart image via HTTP.
Image Source : The HTTP source for finding chart images.
NASA SkyView, SDSS, ESO, StSci etc. are available for the source. Temporary files -- /tmp/dss.html, /tmp/dss.jpg etc. -- will be created. -
Size : Size of the finding chart.[arcmin]
Only square image can be retrieved. After changed Instrument, the size will be automatically adjusted. - Scale/Color : Only with SkyView, you can choose the display scale (Linear/Log/Sqrt/HistEq/LogLog) and the inverse (Inv) of the finding chart image.
Instrument : Select the Subaru instrument to be drawn its FOV. After changed parameters in this frame, please click Redraw to redraw the FOV of the instrument.
- Redraw : Redraw the FOV of the instrument.
- Instrument : Select the instrument.
Detail : ON/OFF of the detailed view of the FOV.
-- PA : Position Angcle [deg]
SupCam : North is Up=90deg, East is up=0deg (on zview)
HSC : North is Up=-90deg, West is up=0deg (on zview)
Other : North is up=0deg, East is up=90deg - Flip : Flip (mirror) the finding chart.
SIMBAD or NED : Database query in SIMBAD or NED to identify objects in the finding chart.
Maximum object number is 500. Pay attention to the size of FOV. Especially in the case of NED, the number of the identified objects could be huge. The queried result of NED can be sorted only from the outer edge to the center of the image.
- Query : Database query via HTTP. A temporary file, /tmp/database_fc.xml, will be created.
- Disp : ON/OFF of the display of the queried result on the finding chart.
- Auto : ON/OFF of the Automatic database query after every new finding chart image retrieving.
Search Param. : Change parameters for database query. You can select the database and change parameters for them.
-- Proper motions of each query object can be displayed when you queried on SIMBAD.
The green line and dot show the proper motion from 2000 to the observing date (the date specified in Main Window).
OPE Def. in Finding Chart TAB makes a definition considering the shift by proper motion (The green dot point in the image).
(The image shows the case of Barnard star.)
- Save as PDF : Save the char to PDF.
- Print Out : Print out the chart.
- Show Help : Display helps for Finding Chart Window.
- Quit : Close this window.
* Left click (only with queried objects display) : Select a queried object.
* Center click : Move the clicked point to the center.
* Right click : Show the distance between the clicked two points (the third click to clear the display).
* Wheel scroll : 5-step magnification around the cursor.
* ALT + Wheel scroll : 5-step magnification w/o moving the center.
* SHIFT + Wheel scroll : Rotate the position angle with 5-degree step.
* CTRL + Wheel scroll : Rotate the position angle with 1-degree step.
Display of the Atmospheric Dispersion (AD) Chart.
- Quit : Close AD Chart Window.
- Redraw : Redraw the chart (Automatic redraw every minute).
Instrument : Select the following instrumental condition.
- ImR / InR : The fixed position angle using Image Rotator or Instrumental Rotator.
- HDS (w/o ImR) : NsOpt HDS w/o Image Rotator (The position angle automatically calculated every minute).
- HDS (zeinth) : NsOpt HDS w/Image Rotator zenith mode (The position angle automatically calculated every minute). For UV observation.
Wavelength : Wavelengths for observation and guiding [Å].
The light with the long wavelength is displayed with red, and the shorter wavelength is displayed with blue. - Seeing : Seeing size of the star [arcsec].
- Plot : The size of the chart [arcsec].
The setups will be stored in ~/.hskymon and reflected at the next start up.
Setup for observatory condition. The default is of course Subaru Telescope.
But, you can adopt this program to the other telescopes.
- Some of main telescopes in the world are registered and can be selected. Furthermore, you can add a new telescope manually.
- The slewing speed of the Subaru telescope is 0.5 deg/sec for both of Az. and El.
- Pointing Analysis Correction is not necessary in usual case.
Configuration for AllSky Camera. The default is CFHT ASIVA (Mid-IR).
- Some of cameras in the world main telescopes are registered here. But, you can add a new camera.
- Specify X and Y pixel for the zenith, diameter to the horizon, rotation angle for the north is up in the image.
- The default update interval is 120 sec.
- 20 downloaded images are stored on memory not using temporary files (except the latest one) in default.
Parameters for Atmoshperic Dispersion calculation.
Display parameters for Object List (Main Target TAB).
Parameters for Gen2 status server Gen2 (only w/XMLRPC option).
Paramters for Browsing and Network access.
- No browser setup in Windows(using the system default browser).
- Skyview RGB composite in Finding Chart can make faked color images using any 3-band image sources in SkyView. Its sources can be selected here.
Setups for colors and fonts used in Main Window.