Tata Power is one of India's largest integrated power companies, present across the entire power value chain of conventional & renewable energy, power services, and next generation customer solutions including solar rooftop, EV charging stations, and home automation. The future of the sector is looking bright on account of the rising usage of EV charging and the clean energy business. So overall Tata Power is a fundamentally strong from the valuation point of view, it is always shining very attractive.
The dataset provides historical data at the daily level from July 2021 to July 2022. Their columns include the following:
- Date: Date the data was recorded
- Open: Price from the first transaction of a trading day
- High: Maximum price in a trading day
- Low: Minimum price in a trading day
- Close: Price from the last transaction of a trading day
- Adj close: The closing price after dividend payouts, stock splits, or the issue of additional shares
- Volume: Number of units traded in a day
All displayed currencies are in INR.
- On any given day, the company's value is just as likely to increase as it is to decrease.
- April always had the highest Average Closing Value.
- There is a very poor linear relationship between the daily High and Low values. With an R-squared value very far to 1, their stock prices were slightly lower during 2021-22 as we see.
- The highest units of the stock traded in the month of October 20221.
- As we can see, trading frequency and values are in an almost proportional relationship. It is a stable stock for a long time.