Some nice little tests for the SilentZone app:
Basic Tests Simple tests that ensure that the application and device are working properly. If these tests fail, something is very wrong with the application or the device.
- Open App:
- opens the application from the app drawer (assuming you're using a stock launcher) or via an am start commnad
- Buttons test:
- ensures that when in the main activity, one is able to press all of the action bar buttons (play/pause, refresh, add, and options)
- ensures that after each press, application is in a known state and is able to get back to the main activity
These test suites are not yet implemented. They are all ideas of possible test suites and may never be implemented
Zone Tests More advanced tests that manipulate (add, delete, modify) a "silent zone"
Multiple Zone Test Advanced tests that involve manipulating multiple zones
Current Zone Tests Adds a the zone that the device is currently in, and then modifies what the device should do when it is in this zone.
Monkey Test Performs a Monkey test on the Silentzone application to ensure that it can handle random inputs for long periods of time.