A todo list example app built using Ember.js and Phoenix.
- Git
- Node.js
- Elixir
- Postgres
- Chrome/Chromium
Clone the repo and change into the directory:
git clone git@github.com:chrisalley/ember-phoenix-todo-list.git
cd ember-phoenix-todo-list
Install backend dependencies:
cd backend
mix deps.get
Create the database:
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
Start the backend:
mix phx.server
Confirm that the Phoenix app is running at
Install frontend dependencies:
npm install -g ember-cli
cd frontend
npm install
Start the frontend:
npm start
Confirm that the Ember app is running at
Ensure that both the frontend and backend are running at their respective URLs:
: -
Change into e2e directory and install dependencies if required:
cd e2e
npm install
Launch Cypress:
npm run cypress:open
In the Cypress GUI:
- Click on "E2E Testing"
- Click on "Chrome" (or "Chromium")
- Click on "Start E2E Testing in Chrome"
- Click on the particular
file that you wish to run.