Nearly bare-bones browser-based kubernetes network graph visualizer. View the network graph in .svg form in the browser. Optionally export a .svg or .dot file.
If you want to generate a kubernetes based .dot file on the fly check out instead.
- clone this repository e.g.
git clone
and cd into the folder. npm install
npm run-script build
kubectl proxy --www=dist/
- open web browser to the proxy's host and port appending
- e.g.
This could be a much nicer web experience. In particular live updates are an obvious improvement.
I tried using visjs but it has a couple of serious bugs. If there is interest, (or a PR) then it might be worth getting this working.
visjs does not support subgraphs (used for nodes) almende/vis#1459
visjs draws graph nodes overlapping. A mitigation might be to break up text to multi-lines: almende/vis#699
Another option would be rendering with d3.