This project tries to visualize GOAL logs using UJMP.
The GOAL log parser must be run with a .log file generated by GOAL.
These log files may be generated by Eclipse by following the following instructions:
- Go to GOAL logging : Window > Preferences > GOAL > logging
- Check 'Write logs to files', 'Log the default consoles to file' and 'Include statistics each cycle seperator' for performance logs.
- Run your agents, the log files should be written to the directory indicated as 'Logging directory'
The parser may be run using either the command line or the provided run.bat file.
The run.bat file contains only a templated version of the command explained below. Running it requires the user to drag their log file onto it. This should result in both a console window and the ujmp matrix gui popping up.
The core.jar executable needs two command line parameters to run succesfully:
- Run mode (currently only PF_LOG_MODE is applicable)
- Path to the .log file(s)
A working example, assuming one is in the directory with core.jar and example.log, would be:
java -jar glp-core.jar PF_LOG_MODE ./example.log
When running the parser on a log file that is generated by GOAL, it might sometimes give the user a org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
This exception tells us that the log file is invalid XML, it is most probably resolved by adding </log>
at the end of the
log file if it is not yet there.
- Maven for managing dependencies
- UJMP for viewing and storing performance matrices
- File Utils for copying over internal files