Seeing your progress overtime is vital to developers as we can see how much we have learned and grown across a given timespan. It can be hard to remember everything you worked on and who you worked with off the top of your head, therefore the Fellowship Class Profile is a web application that aggregates your GitHub data from the last 12 weeks and turns it into statistics and visualiations to conclude the MLH Fellowship, with the goal of showcasing your work and accolades.
Docker takes care of the setup for you! docker-compose
will provision the database and start the web application.
Install Docker Desktop:
Setup a
file with the required environment variables.FLASK_APP=web:app DATABASE_URL=postgresql://coderman:codermanpassword123@postgres:5432/fellowship-class-profile GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=fc7c0f9b52387b87d52d GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=REPLACE_ME GITHUB_API_TOKEN=REPLACE_ME_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN
:$ docker-compose up --build
Create the database. Execute the
script in the container.$ docker-compose exec web python -m web.manage create_db
Visit localhost:8000 to see the application.