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@github-actions github-actions released this 23 Feb 23:19


  • #383 Adding two new metadata fields for each patch, Author and Info. There is a new display mode that shows the author as
    subtitle in the grid. The Info field is a generic single line metadata field. Both fields are searchable via the text search.
    Thanks to @RadekPilich for the suggestion!
  • #401 Right click or shift/modifier click on any category or filter button will not automatically turn off the other filters already set,
    this allows for faster swichting e.g. between Lead and Pad, without having to deactivate the previously selected category. The same
    works when assigning a catageory to the currently selected patch in the side bar. I like this so much I might make it the default!
    Again, also a suggestion from @RadekPilich!
  • #389 Removed the special case of the user list save to database button. Now, any change is immediately persisted to the database,
    and there is no undo much like in the rest of the system.


  • #73 First alpha version for the Yamaha FS1R. Thanks to @markusschlosser for relentless testing!
  • #244 Waldorf Pulse adaptation now confirmed to work by @markusschlosser. Thanks again!
  • #428 Fixed tag import for the Generic Roland module, preventing tag import e.g. for JV-2080 to work. Thanks to @ivruebj for finding it
    and providing the fix!
  • #420 Added 4 Addons banks to the Prophet X adaptation. Thanks to @Walleye-Sencza for pointing this out!
  • #429 Applied fix for Korg M1 detection supplied by @Philippe593, thanks for this!

Bug fixes:

  • #386 Fixed deleting patches which were part of a synth bank via the menu. This did throw an error message and would just refuse
    to delete the patches. This new version allows to delete the patches also if they are part of a user list via the Edit... Delete... menu item -
    if a patch is part of a bank though it is hidden not and not deleted, as the bank structure needs to remain intact. Thanks to @RadekPilich for reporting!
  • #425 Fixed text message on import that was confusing. Thanks @markusschlosser!
  • Patch button in current patch side bar did not show color anymore. Fixed.