A Software Engineer in the Games industry.
"It is not enough for code to work." - Robert C.Martin. I'm an advocate for clean code, a huge proponent for the use of entity-component systems, as well as the use of good software engineering practices such as object-oriented programming, automated testing and behaviour-driven development.
💕 I love video games, constantly aiming to be competitive in any I play.
🎓 Graduated with a 1st class honours in Computer Science (Software Engineering) at Royal Holloway, University of London.
💻 Interested in creating compelling and fun games using either Unreal Engine, using my knowledge of C++ and Blueprints.
🛠️ Extensive experience using both Luau and roblox-ts (a TypeScript-to-Luau compiler) to create multiplayer experiences.
🎹 In my free time, I enjoy playing games, keeping fit, and learning the Piano.
📧 Any other questions? Feel free to shoot me an email. I'll respond as quick as I can!
📝 Checkout my portfolio here for more details about me.