Sample Java client of EmoDB using Solr for indexing
Created docker image for use with this example.
Run docker using:
docker run --name emodb -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 christopwner/emodb
Also relies on Solr. Run with docker:
docker run --name solr -d -p 8983:8983 -t solr
docker exec -it --user=solr solr bin/solr create_core -c emodb
Will also require addition configuration of Solr for setting our own version constraints on update by adding the following to the UpdateRequestProcessorChain:
<processor class="solr.DocBasedVersionConstraintsProcessorFactory">
<str name="versionField">emodb_version</str>
Will need to update container and install text editor of choice but config can be accessed by:
docker exec -it --user=solr solr /bin/nano server/solr/emodb/conf/solrconfig.xml