This is a fork of Mastonaut by @brunophilipe, whose original marketing page you can still look at here. His latest version 1.3.9 can still be installed from the App Store.
(As of 1.9.1. Features marked with a mountain ⛰️ are also available for macOS 10.13 High Sierra through macOS 11 Big Sur; all other features require macOS 12 Monterey or newer.)
- The font size of statuses can be increased
- Assorted accessibility improvements ⛰️
- Edit your toots ⛰️
- Autocomplete for hashtags (1.3.9 already had autocomplete for user names)
- Autocomplete for emoji, e.g.
- Open multiple compose windows at once
- Filter notifications by type (for example, to only see mentions)
- Support for seeing and responding to follow requests
- Search for (already known) toots by text or their URL ⛰️
- Pull to refresh ⛰️
- View a list as a column ⛰️
- View your favorites or bookmarks as a column ⛰️
- Follow hashtags in the Home timeline
- See if a toot has been edited, and view previous versions ⛰️
- The font face and size can be customized.
- Pull-to-refresh on threads
- Interaction statistics (how many replies, boosts, favorites) can be seen ⛰️
- People who interacted with you can be navigated to
To use it, you just want to download 1.9.1 here.
This is purely a hobbyist effort, so I can't really promise anything. I try to do a new release every month or two.
These are instructions for if you want to tinker with the code.
The following instructions assume Xcode 14.2 on macOS 13.4. (Note that it may not currently build in Xcode 14.3.x.)
You need XcodeGen. If you have HomeBrew, just run
brew install xcodegen
. -
Inside the
subdir, runxcodegen
. -
Copy the file
, and open that file. -
to a bundle ID for the app that works with your Apple ID. -
Enter your Team ID instead of the
(It looks something like74J34U3R6X
). -
Do not check in your changes to
That should be it.
The bundle ID base is used because Mastonaut consists of multiple projects,
which use an app group to share information. Given a MASTONAUT_BUNDLE_ID_BASE
of com.example.mastonaut
- the main app will be
- the macOS Sharing extension will be
- the Core Data database shared by the two above will be stored in
~/Library/Group Containers/
- Keychain credentials will be prefixed
The acknowledgments in the about box are currently built manually. If you add
dependencies, don't forget to edit one of the *Acknowledgments
probably SwiftPMAcknowledgements
Make sure
is fetched as a git submodule. (For example, Xcode's git clone functionality seems to not do this!) This is a custom fork, not a package available through SwiftPM or similar. -
will auto-append.mac
and other suffixes to theMASTONAUT_BUNDLE_ID_BASE
, so you should pick something likecom.example.mastonaut
with whatever reverse domain name you have set up for your account). -
If you don't know your Team ID, go into Signing & Capabilities in your project and select your team, then your UI will show it under 'App Groups'. Then revert the project file so it will use the setting from the
and you don't have a lurking change in your checkout.
The project you'll be working with is Mastonaut/Mastonaut.xcodeproj
. Keep in
mind this is effectively read-only: to preserve changes (other than, say,
adding files, which works through wildcards), you need to edit the
The main application is Mastonaut.
QuickToot is a macOS app extension, specifically for sharing.
QuickToot and Mastonaut use CoreTootin as a common library. GUI code that's required by both belongs here.
The underlying API client is largely implemented in (a custom fork of) MastodonKit, which is referenced as a git submodule.
- If you're using a personal developer ID and get an error like
Personal development teams, including "Your Name Here", do not support the Push Notifications capability.
, you may have to go Signing and Capabilities and delete the "Push Notifications" capability by clicking the little trash can next to it. Do not check in this change.
MastonautHelp uses Each page is authored in Markdown with some Front Matter metadata written in YAML.
When working on changes to the help, it's easiest to run:
source /opt/homebrew/opt/chruby/share/chruby/
source /opt/homebrew/opt/chruby/share/chruby/
chruby ruby-3.1.3
cd MastonautHelp
jekyll serve --livereload
This will launch a web server with live reload capability. Open that in your browser, and saving one of the help files will cause the browser to refresh.