This is a sample python application created by IBM Betaworks to show how a sample set of the Watson APIs can be used.
To run locally python runserver --settings=cognitive.settings.local
To run on bluemix python runserver --settings=cognitive.settings.bluemix
On bluemix for the initial database set-up modify the manfiest to
command: bash ./
you will need to modify to your own db admin credentials
for subsequent pushes revert to
command: bash ./
On bluemix the application needs the following services (edit the manifest.yml file to match the instance names for your environment
- postgresql
- personality insights
- tradeoff analytics
- natural language classifier
- speech to text
If running outside of bluemix then the application needs access to service credentials. Put Service credentials into a file credentials.json in the Watson\static\ directory, in the form: { "PI": { "url":"", "user":"<user - from bluemix services for personality insights>", "password":"<password - from bluemix services for personality insights>" }, "TA": { "url":"", "user":"<user - from bluemix services for tradeoff analytics>", "password":"<password - from bluemix services for tradeoff analytics>" }, "LC": { "url": "", "user": "<user - from bluemix services for natural language classifier>", "password": "<password - from bluemix services for natural language classifier>" }, "ST": { "url": "", "user": "<user - from bluemix services for speech to text>", "password": "<password - from bluemix services for speech to text>" }, "TW": { "consumerKey": "", "consumerSecret": "" } }