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A lightwight Framework for the Respiratory Sound Classification


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This is the implementation of the work CycleGuardian:A Framework for Automatic RespiratorySound classification Based on Improved Deep clustering and Contrastive Learning.

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# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
pytorch-wavelets          1.3.0                    pypi_0    pypi
torch                     2.0.1                    pypi_0    pypi
torch-geometric           2.5.3                    pypi_0    pypi
torchaudio                2.0.2                    pypi_0    pypi
torchvision               0.15.2                   pypi_0    pypi

Dependencies are listed in torch2.0.1_requirements.txt. These are all easily installable via, e.g., pip install numpy or conda install. It is recommended to use Anaconda to create a virtual environment and setup the dependencies .


3.Train Script

  • We follow both the official 60-40 train-test split as well as the 80-20 split.

Train Command:

Change the num_worker to suit your machine; also, you may change the batch size, but it will affect the final score.

python --data_dir ./data/ICBHI_final_database --dataset_split_file ./data/patient_trainTest6_4.txt --model_path ./models_out --lr_h 0.001 --lr_l 0.001 --batch_size 128 --num_worker 15 --start_epochs 0 --epochs 600

4. CycleGuardian Overview

5.Quantitative Results

Performance of the proposed model

Method Architecture/ Pretrained ( S_p ) ( S_e ) Score Size
4 Class
Path-level [^song2023patch] CNN6 / IN 68.59% 48.25% 58.42% 20MB+
RespirNet [^gairola2021respirenet] Resnet34 / IN 72.30% 40.10% 56.20% 83MB+
Domain transfor [^wang2022domain] Resnet-st / IN 70.40% 40.20% 55.30% 50MB+
Late fusion [^pham2022ensemble] Ince-v3+VGG14 / IN 85.60% 30.00% 57.30% 610MB+
Co-tuing [^nguyen2022lung] Resnet50 / IN 79.34% 37.24% 58.29% 97MB+
SCL [^moummad2023pretraining] CNN6 / AS 76.93% 39.15% 58.04% 20MB+
Patch mix [^bae2023patch] AST / IN+AS 81.66% 43.07% 62.37% 380MB+
OFGST [^wang2024ofgst] Swin Transformer / IN 71.56% 40.53% 56.05% 410MB+
Stethoscope [^kim2024stethoscope] AST / IN+AS 79.87% 43.55% 61.71% 380MB+
RepAug [^kim2024repaugment] AST / IN+AS 82.47% 40.55% 61.51% 380MB+
Lungbrn [^ma2019lungbrn] bi-Resent / - 69.20% 31.12% 50.16% 80MB+
SE+SA [^yang2020adventitious] Resnet18 / - 81.25% 17.84% 49.55% 44MB+
LungRN+NL [^ma2020lungrn+] Resnet-NL / - 63.20% 41.32% 52.26% 40MB+
Cnn+MOE [^pham2021cnn] C-DNN / - 72.40% 21.50% 47.00% 30MB+
LungAttn [^li2021lungattn] ResNet-Atten / - 71.44% 36.36% 53.90% 60MB+
ARSC-net [^xu2021arsc] bi-Resnet-Att / - 67.13% 46.38% 56.76% 80MB+
Prototype [^ren2022prototype] Cnn8-pt / - 72.96% 27.78% 50.37% 30MB+
Adversarial [^chang2022example] Cnn8-dilated / - 69.92% 35.85% 52.89% 30MB+
Patch mix [^bae2023patch] ASTransformer / - 72.61% 30.58% 49.60% 380MB+
Ours(cos) CycleGuardian / - 88.92% 33.33% 61.12% 27MB
Ours(soft cos) CycleGuardian / - 82.06% 44.47% 63.26% 38MB
2 Class
Co-tuing [^nguyen2022lung] Resnet50 / IN 79.34% 50.04% 64.74% 97MB+
Patch mix [^bae2023patch] ASTransformer / IN +AS 81.66% 55.77% 68.71% 380MB+
Cnn+MOE [^pham2021cnn] C-DNN / - 72.40% 37.50% 54.10% 30MB+
Ours CycleGuardian / - 73.19% 59.57% 66.38% 27MB
Ours(soft cos) CycleGuardian / - 71.93% 62.77% 67.35% 38MB

one of the tensorboard training process

train acc

train loss and learning rate

train loss

part of training results log

epoch 599 iter 33/34 Train Total loss: 0.5795828700065613
Train Accuracy: 0.999061473486626
Classwise_Losses Normal: 0.002527494459287292, Crackle: 0.0021995086581145045, Wheeze: 0.005279731647609176, Both: 0.008709785856947726

 -----show the training info -----------
*************The official Metrics******************
The frac format Sp: 0.9995196925552585, Se: 0.998623853073584, Score: 0.9990717728144213
The int  format S_p: 99.95196925552105, S_e: 99.86238530735383, Score: 99.90717728143744
Normal: 0.9995196925552585, Crackle: 0.9991980753007862, Wheeze: 0.9980506820666568, Both: 0.9976190473815194 
Val Accuracy by  fusion result : 0.6181691611555865
epoch 599, Validation BCE loss: 2.727804660797119
Classwise_Losses Normal: 1.5925593402063463, Crackle: 3.354416726221597, Wheeze: 6.381649032856236, Both: 3.004433798120376

 -----show the validation info -----------
*************The official Metrics******************
The frac format Sp: 0.7325361862806796, Se: 0.4766355139444493, Score: 0.6045858501125645
The int  format S_p: 73.25361862806335, S_e: 47.663551394441214, Score: 60.45858501125228
Normal: 0.7325361862806796, Crackle: 0.5457227138643068, Wheeze: 0.27999999993, Both: 0.6310679608587049 
*************The Helper Metrics******************
Confusion Matrix 
 [[1164  295   54   76]
 [ 283  370   12   13]
 [ 203   48  112   37]
 [  29   14   33  130]]
Classwise Scores -->:  [0.73253619 0.54572271 0.28       0.63106796]
Accuracy Score ---> : 0.6181691611555865
 Micro F1 Score: 0.6181691611555865
 weighted Precision: 0.6138528596527835
 weighted Recall: 0.6181691611555865
BEST ACCURACY TILL NOW 0.652627915071354
 training process: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 34/34 [03:41<00:00,  6.50s/it]
best_Se0.44470404977496825      best_Sp0.8206419131529263       best_Sc0.6326729814639473       best_Acc0.652627915071354
ds combine best_Confusion_matrix:
[[0.82064191 0.12083071 0.03398364 0.02454374]
 [0.49115044 0.48082596 0.01917404 0.00884956]
 [0.5825     0.0825     0.3        0.035     ]
 [0.19417476 0.03398058 0.16504854 0.60679612]]

6. Further reading:

      title={ycleGuardian: A Framework for Automatic RespiratorySound classification Based on Improved Deep clustering andContrastive Learning}, 
      author={Yun Chu,Qiuhao Wang, Enze Zhou, Ling Fu, Qian Liu, Gang Zheng},


A lightwight Framework for the Respiratory Sound Classification







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