Implementation of CAN ISO-TP state machine for transmitting/receiving data using Single and First/Consecutive frames with optional padding support.
- User must provide a way to communicate at the frame level with CAN hardware.
- The library supports only standard CAN frames with 8-byte payload (both 11/29-bit IDs) and ISO-TP 4095-byte payload (not compatible with CAN FD).
- By default on receiving First-Frame, IsoTp state machine always requests all remaining frames wihout delay (
Flow Control
:Block size = 0
,ST = 0
). - Suited mostly for applications under some OS environment.
Note: using SemVer standard in commit tags.
Implement ICanBusTx
interface in class responsible for CAN communication e.g.
class MyCanBus : public CAN::ICanBusTx
// ...
// Neccessary declaration for CAN::IsoTp
bool Transmit(CAN::CANID txid, const CAN::FrameData& txdata, CAN::Standard standard) override
// CAN TX logic. Should handle potential (txdata.size == 0) case.
return true; // on tx success
// "RX" function can be whatever as long as its results
// are converted to CAN::FrameData before calling IsoTp::ProcessIsotpResponse
Create CAN::IsoTp
object with suitable parameters e.g.
constexpr CAN::BYTE PAD = 0xAA; // some implementations require specific padding to avoid Bit Stuffing
constexpr CAN::Standard standard = CAN::Standard::CEFF; // e.g. CAN 2.0 extended 29-bit identifier
auto isotp = std::make_unique<CAN::IsoTp>(standard, PAD);
Optionally change your data representations in isotpdef.h
// Defines representation of byte in CAN frame
typedef std::uint8_t BYTE;
// Defines type of CAN identifier. 32-bit value recommended for compatibility with extended frame format.
typedef std::uint32_t CANID;
Optionally set error logging function member e.g.
isotp->m_funcLogError = [](const char* err) { std::clog << err; };
Process received frames in receive loop or something like "CAN data received" callback e.g.
// ...
// std::array<CAN::BYTE, __CANISOTP_MAX_MSG_DATA_SIZE> m_responseBuffer;
std::vector<CAN::BYTE> m_responseBuffer;
std::unique_ptr<MyCanBus> bus;
std::unique_ptr<CAN::IsoTp> m_isotp;
// Processing should be called for each received CAN frame, to ensure correct ISO-TP state
void BusEvents::rx_callback(const MyFrame& canframe)
CAN::FrameData data = _user_defined_conversion(canframe);
auto [txid, rxid] = _user_defined_canid_things(); // or separate CAN::IsoTp wrapper for each CANID pair
auto result = m_isotp->ProcessIsotpResponse(bus, txid, rxid, data);
switch (result)
std::cout << "Info state - basically CONTINUE\n";
std::cout << "Flow-Control was received from device, whole multi-frame message sent.\n";
assert(false == isotp->IsTransmitActive()); // IsoTp class TX state automatically cleared
// Copy collected payload bytes to provied buffer
assert(false == isotp->IsReceiveActive()); // IsoTp class RX state automatically cleared
std::cout << "Received " << responseBuffer.size() << " bytes.\n";
assert(false == isotp->IsReceiveActive()); // IsoTp class RX state automatically cleared
case CAN::IsoTpState::ISOTP_ERROR:
std::cout << "ISOTP error! Check err messages.\n";
std::cout << "Invalid state!\n";
Transmit messages using one of the following:
// Copies payload to internal TX buffer and sends "Single/First-Frame" depending on data size.
// Any remaining bytes will be automatically sent as "Consecutive-Frames"
// - after next received "Flow Control" is passed to 'IsoTp::ProcessIsotpResponse(...)'.
// If neccessary, CAN::Standard must be set via 'IsoTp::setDefaulStandard(...)'.
// Returns one of the following: IsoTpState::ISOTP_FINALIZE_TX/ISOTP_CONTINUE/ISOTP_ERROR.
IsoTpState TransmitMessage(ICanBusTx* bus, CANID txid, const BYTE* payload, size_t size);
IsoTpState TransmitMessage(ICanBusTx* bus, CANID txid, const std::vector<BYTE>& payload);
IsoTpState TransmitMessage(ICanBusTx* bus, CANID txid, const FrameData& payload);
GNU compilers for Win32 platform needs pthreads support (see std::this_thread::slepp_for
in isotp.cpp
Use appropriate version (out of the box since GCC 13
?) or check out mingw-std-threads.
When using modern Visual Studio C/C++ Windows packet, build-in MSVC
should provide it by default.