Here you can find my personal dotfiles.
- sudo (maybe)
- git
- GNU stow
Clone this repository:
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Using GNU Stow (recommended)
Install GNU Stow (if not already installed)
Mac: brew install stow
Debian: apt install stow
Ubuntu: apt-get install stow
Fedora: yum install stow
Arch: pacman -S stow
Then simply use stow to install the dotfiles you want to use:
cd ~/.dotfiles
stow zsh
Or to install all my dotfiles config:
cd ~/.dotfiles && \
stow zsh && \
stow starship && \
stow git \
We may get some warning messages like the following one:
cd ~/dotfiles
stow git
WARNING! stowing git would cause conflicts:
* existing target is neither a link nor a directory: .gitconfig
All operations aborted.
WARNING! stowing git would cause conflicts:
* existing target is not owned by stow: .gitconfig
All operations aborted.
This means that the file .gitconfig
(or any other file name that appear in the warning) exists before the symlinking. We need to
manually change its name so GNU Stow can create the symlink. My recommendation is
to rename it:
mv ~/.gitconfig ~/.gitconfig.old