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Package Tests Built by CipherStash

jseql is a JavaScript/TypeScript package designed to facilitate interaction with Encrypt Query Language (EQL). It provides classes and methods to encrypt and decrypt data.

Table of Contents


jseql leverages Encrypt Query Language (EQL) and CipherStash to encrypt data in a PostgreSQL database.


  • Data encryption: Easily encrypt data with the encrypt function. CipherStash uses a unique encryption key for every record in the database. This is also know as field level encryption.
  • Data decryption: Extract plaintext data from encrypted data using the decrypt function.
  • TypeScript support: Strongly typed with TypeScript interfaces and types.
  • Logging: Integrated logging using logtape for debugging and monitoring.

Use cases:

  • Meet compliance requirements for data encryption in your application.
  • Ensure only the intended users can access sensitive data.
  • Exceed customer expectations for data security.
  • Improve your overall security posture and reduce the risk of data breaches.


Install jseql via one of the following methods:

npm install @cipherstash/jseql
# or
yarn add @cipherstash/jseql

Platform Support

Operating Systems

Linux macOS Windows


Jseql actively supports all current and maintenance releases of Node. If you're using a different version of Node and believe it should be supported, let us know.

Older Node version support (minimum v10) may require lower Node-API versions. See the Node version support matrix for more details.

Bun (experimental)

Bun is an alternate JavaScript runtime that targets Node compatibility. At the time of this writing, some Node-API functions are not implemented so Jseql may not work with Bun.


Define environment variables

Create a .env file in the root directory of your project with the following contents:



These values are required to use the jseql package. The names of the variables must match the values above or the package will not work.

client keys

At the time of this writing, you will need to use the CipherStash CLI to generate a new client key.

workspace id

CS_WORKSPACE_ID is the ID of the workspace you want to use, and can be found in the CipherStash dashboard.

access key

CS_CLIENT_ACCESS_KEY is used to authenticate with the CipherStash API. You can generate an access token in the dashboard or the CLI.

Initialize the EQL client

Import the eql function from the @cipherstash/jseql package and initialize the EQL client with your CipherStash credentials.

const { eql } = require('@cipherstash/jseql')
const eqlClient = await eql()

.. or using ES6?

import { createRequire } from 'node:module'
const require = createRequire(import.meta.url)
const { eql } = require('@cipherstash/jseql')

const eqlClient = await eql()

We are working on a solution to support the import statement in the future.

Encrypting data

To encrypt data, use the encrypt function. This function takes a plaintext string and an object with the table and column name as parameters.

const ciphertext = await eqlClient.encrypt('plaintext', {
  column: 'column_name',
  table: 'users',

The encrypt function returns an object with a c key, and the value is the encrypted data.

  c: 'encrypted-data'

Decrypting data

To decrypt data, use the decrypt function. This function takes an encrypted data object and an object with the lock context as parameters.

const plaintext = await eqlClient.decrypt(ciphertext)

The decrypt function returns a string with the plaintext data.


Lock context

jseql supports lock contexts to ensure that only the intended users can access sensitive data. To use a lock context, initialize a LockContext object with the identity claims and workspace ID.

import { LockContext } from '@cipherstash/jseql'

// eqlClient from the previous steps
const lc = new LockContext(eqlClient, {
  identityClaim: ['sub'],

The lock context needs to be tied to a specific user. To identify the user, call the identify method on the lock context object.

const lockContext = await lc.identify('jwt_token_from_identiti_provider')

The jwt_token_from_identiti_provider is the JWT token from your identity provider, and can be retrieved from the user's session.

Encrypting data with a lock context

To encrypt data with a lock context, pass the lock context object as a parameter to the encrypt function.

const ciphertext = await eqlClient.encrypt('plaintext', {
  table: 'users',
  column: 'email',

Decrypting data with a lock context

To decrypt data with a lock context, pass the lock context object as a parameter to the decrypt function.

const plaintext = await eqlClient.decrypt(ciphertext, {

Storing encrypted data in a database

To store the encrypted data in PostgreSQL, you will need to specify the column type as jsonb. At the time of this writing.

  email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  encrypted_data jsonb NOT NULL

Searchable encrypted data

jseql does not currently support searching encrypted data. We are hard at work on this feature and will update this section when it is available. You can read more about this feature and implementation here.



jseql will NEVER log plaintext data. This is by design to prevent sensitive data from being logged.

jseql uses logtape for logging, which allows you to control the logging output and integrate it with your application's logging system.

To set up logging for jseql, you need to configure a sink for the 'jseql' logger.

Setup Example:

// Configure the logger
import { configure, getConsoleSink, getFileSink } from '@logtape/logtape'

await configure({
  sinks: {
    console: getConsoleSink(),
  loggers: [
      category: ['jseql'],
      level: 'debug',
      sinks: ['console'],


jseql can be used with most ORMs that support PostgreSQL. If you're interested in using jseql with a specific ORM, please create an issue.


Please see the file for more information.


Please see the LICENSE file for more information.