The GINI Toolkit is free software. Please see the file COPYING for copyright information.
GINI runs on Python2.7, so you may need to install if it does not come with your distribution. On Ubuntu 18.04, run the following command:
sudo apt-get install python-minimal
- Cloning the repository
- Installing dependencies
- Docker installation
- Setting up SSH
- Plugins
- Building Gini components
- Post-installation
Run these commands to clone the repository and set up your environment variable to run Gini components:
git clone --recursive
# cd into directory where you cloned Gini
# Add an environment variable called "GINI_HOME" which link to that directory
# Append $GINI_HOME/bin to your PATH environment variable and apply the change
cd gini5
echo "export GINI_HOME=$PWD" >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$GINI_HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
To install GINI, you need the following libraries and applications:
sudo apt-get install -y libreadline-dev \
python-lxml \
python-qt4 \
scons \
screen \
g++ \ \
openssh-server \
build-essential \
xterm \
libcanberra-gtk-module \
libcanberra-gtk3-module \
iproute2 \
python -m pip install ipaddress
# Run these commands to download and compile libslack from source
tar xzf libslack-0.6.tar.gz
cd libslack-0.6
sudo make install
# Allow non-root users to use `ip` and `brctl` commands:
sudo chmod a+s /sbin/brctl
sudo chmod a+s /sbin/ip
Consult the official Docker documentation on how to install Docker on your machine:
Gini is running Docker containers under the hood with the assumption that your user account has enough permission to use Docker. After installing, run the command docker run hello-world
, if there is an error message saying that you don't have permission to run Docker, please follow the instructions here:, or run these two commands:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
The first command was creating a docker
group assuming that it did not exist before. The second command was adding your account to the docker group. After running this command, you may need to log out of your account and log back in (or reboot).
To pull the Docker images that Gini uses, run the script available under scripts
Change directory to $HOME/.ssh
and run ssh-keygen -t rsa
in that directory. When prompted, keep pressing ENTER to select the default options. Finally, run cat >> authorized_keys
Please follow the instruction in In the best case, you only need to run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireshark-dev/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y wireshark
To use wireshark to capture packets as a normal user, you need to add yourself to wireshark
group on your machine, similar to Docker. Run these commands:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common
sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER
then try to log out and re-login for the change to take effect.
You can refer to this page for more information:
Reference :
If you want to try out Software Defined Networking (SDN) feature of Gini, first install two packages openvswitch-switch
and openvswitch-common
sudo apt-get install -y openvswitch-switch \
# And add setuid bit to the programs that Gini uses:
sudo chmod a+s /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl
sudo chmod a+s /usr/bin/ovs-ofctl
sudo chmod a+s /usr/bin/ovs-docker
In the Gini directory, run the following commands:
scons install
This should install GINI unless you get some errors in one or more of the above steps.
Once installed, issue the gbuilder
command to start the graphical interface.
- Check docker is properly installed by running
docker ps
. You will see a listing of docker containers that are running for that command. Because there are none running at this time, you will see an empty list with a header. - Check the ssh passwordless login by running
ssh localhost
. You should be able to login without password with the proper key setup. If not, check the SSH key configuration. - Optionally, if you want to enable mouse scrollwheel when using the devices' terminal in GBuilder, add this line to
termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@
GINI should work on all Linux distributions with the required dependencies installed. If you have any problems on any distribution and/or release, please e-mail, or open an issue on this repository.