Steps involved:
Run "truffle compile" from /home/as1001/RP/Ethereum Benchmark then smart contracts under /home/as1001/RP/Ethereum Benchmark/contracts will be compiled and their respective json files will be created under /home/as1001/RP/Ethereum Benchmark/build/contracts
Record_Keeper.json ---> add "gas: 3000000" at the end
recordkeeper.js ---> This is the worker module (/home/as1001/RP/Ethereum Benchmark/caliper/recordkeeper.js)
npm init -y
npm i @hyperledger/caliper-cli and then npx caliper bind \ --caliper-bind-sut ethereum: 1.2.1
check installation usig npx caliper --version
Run ganache and modify required files. i. add "gas": 3000000 in Record_Keeper.jason (created after compiling) ii. networkconfig.json iii. benchconfig.json --> add workload
Command to run: npx caliper launch manager --caliper-workspace ./caliper/ --caliper-benchconfig benchconfig.yaml --caliper-networkconfig networkconfig.json