Integrate the Linkup API directly in Neovim. The Linkup API provides access to LLM-augmented web search, as well as to Linkup's premium sources.
To install the plugin, you can use your favorite plugin manager, for example lazy.nvim:
dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
cmd = { "LinkupStandardSearch", "LinkupDeepSearch" },
opts = {},
Default configuration
---@type string|nil The Linkup API key. If nil, the plugin will try to use the environment
--- variable LINKUP_API_KEY.
api_key = nil,
---@type string The Linkup API base URL.
base_url = "",
As linkup.nvim processes queries in the background and sends the results as notifications, I find convenient to create a keymap to yank the latest notification, for instance, with snacks.nvim:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>yn", function()
local notification_history = Snacks.notifier.get_history({ reverse = true })
local content = notification_history[1].msg
vim.fn.setreg('"', content)
vim.notify('Yanked "' .. content .. '"')
end, { desc = "[Y]ank: [N]otification" })