The most powerful Open Source rich text editor with a modular & modern architecture and 200+ features. Rock solid and fully customizable.

- CKEditor 5 is a ready-to-use editor but also an editing framework with a robust API and tools such as CKEditor 5 inspector or package generator. This allows you to build your own plugins and solutions.
- Quality. 32,000+ tests, 100% code coverage, backed by a team of 40+ developers.
- Six different UI types. It fits any kind of application, e.g. Document Management System, email platform, CMS, LMS, CRM, chat.
- A large set of features (~200), including: paste from Office (Word, Google Docs), Markdown support, support for tables with table properties and column resizing, @mentions, find & replace, autoformatting, source editing, spell and grammar checker.
- Great accessibility support.
- Export to PDF/Word and import from Word.
- Exceptional collaboration features you will not find anywhere else:
- Real-time collaborative editing (with ready-to-use backend with REST API, webhooks and detailed logging),
- Comments and track changes,
- Revision history.
- Quick start guide - Uses CDN
- Predefined builds - Uses npm, online builder, download as zip or CDN
- Getting started - Full introduction to CKEditor 5
- React | | Quick start + Live demo
- Vue 3 | | Quick start + Live demo
- Vue 2 |
- Angular |
- - Code examples for CKEditor setups available on demo pages
- - Code samples from tutorials on how to create plugins
- - A large set of examples on integrating CKEditor 5 with collaboration features
- Getting and setting data
- Creating a basic plugin
- Implementing a block widget
- Implementing an inline widget
- Using a React component in a widget
- GitHub Writer - Replaces the default GitHub editor with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor (Chrome/Firefox browser extension). No need to remember the Markdown syntax!
- CKBox - Ready-to-use file manager / digital asset manager with a native plugin for CKEditor 5.
Note: we recommend starting new projects with CKEditor 5.
- - The main repository of CKEditor 4
- - Official distribution releases of CKEditor 4
- - React integration for CKEditor 4
- - Angular integration for CKEditor 4
- - Vue integration for CKEditor 4