This work is absolutely not related to cypress in any way. I am not to be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages of your devices.
This repository holds an attempt to port some tools of cypress under Linux. It allows to compile and upload application to some cypress boards. It has only been successfully tested with a CY8CKIT-049 42xx kit. (
The prerequisites are the following:
(to runcyelftool
when using makefile)- An arm toolchain (arm-none-eabi-)
In order to build and install these utilities:
make all
sudo make install
The host bootloader has been replicating using cypress source code for host bootloader.
The Cypress Host Bootloader Tool is available as a command line utility and support various command
To build it, the make
command should be sufficient.
Usage: cyhostboot [options]
cyhostboot is a cypress host bootloader for Linux
-h, --help Print help and exit
-V, --version Print version and exit
-b, --baudrate=INT Bootloader baudrate (default=`115200')
-f, --file=STRING cyacd file to flash
-s, --serial=STRING Serial port to use (default=`/dev/ttyACM0')
-a, --app_id=INT Application id to use (0 for no change, or 1 or 2)
-k, --key=STRING Security key for unlocking the bootloader in hex string
like 01268bcf347c
Group: Action
Action to perform (default=`program`)
-p, --program Program the file
-e, --erase Erase memory
-v, --verify Verify file
Group: Parity
Parity bit used for communication (default=`noparity`)
-N, --noparity Do not use parity bit
-E, --even Parity bit is even
-O, --odd Parity bit is odd
Thanks from, the format is well explained and it was possible to write a C tool. ihex2cyacd is a an utility to create cyacd files from ihex files. Using the Makefile.cypress will hide the usage.
-h, --help Print help and exit
-V, --version Print version and exit
-i, --input=STRING Input ihex file
-b, --bootloader_size=INT Bootloader text size file
-o, --output=STRING Output cyacd file
-c, --cpu=ENUM CPU type (possible values="CY8C41", "CY8C42"
A Makefile.cypress file is available in the repository in order to easily compile cydsn projects. Two variable are required to be set which are PSOC_CREATOR_DIR and PROJECT_DIR. Additionnally, An ARM toolchain is necessary. Code Sourcery ones are sufficient. The easiest way to use it is to create a Makefile with the following content
PSOC_CREATOR_DIR := Path_to_PSoC_Creator
PROJECT_DIR := Path_to_project.cydsn
include Makefile.cypress
is still used though wine (not reversed yet).
Then type make
to compile the application.
Note that some old generated files may be outdated and can't compile.
This typically happens when you change the name of a PSoC component and rebuild the application.
Simply remove these files in order to compile again.
The output files will be in the build
The final cyacd file can be flashed using cyhostboot
The cyelftool
cypress utility has not yet been reversed.
However thanks to wine, this utility can be used under Linux.