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🕸️ Knowledge graph

This repo comprises the infrastructure, tools, and scripts for managing Climate Policy Radar's concept store and knowledge graph.

Getting started

This repo is orchestrated with a justfile (see just). To install the dependencies, run:

just install

You can see the full list of just commands by running:

just --list

The basics


Concepts are the core building blocks of our knowledge graph. They represent key ideas, terms, or topics which are important to understanding the climate policy domain. Each concept has a preferred label, optional alternative labels (synonyms, acronyms, related terms), a description, and can be linked to other concepts through hierarchical or associative relationships.

from src.concept import Concept

extreme_weather_concept = Concept(
    preferred_label="extreme weather",
    description="it's like weather, but too much!!",
    alternative_labels=["extreme weather events", "rapid-onset events", "weather anomalies"],

Most of CPR's concepts are defined in our concept store (and are thus associated with a wikibase_id), but you can always define your own concepts in code.

Classifiers and spans

Classifiers are used to identify concepts in text. We use a variety of classifier architectures throughout our knowledge graph, from basic keyword matching to more sophisticated BERT-sized models, to optimised calls to third-party LLMs.

Each classifier is single-class, meaning there's a 1:1 mapping between a Concept and a Classifier. When you call the predict method on a classifier with some input text, it returns a list of Span objects which indicate where the concept is mentioned.

from src.classifier import KeywordClassifier

extreme_weather_classifier = KeywordClassifier(concept=extreme_weather_concept)

predicted_spans = extreme_weather_classifier.predict("This is a passage of text about extreme weather")
        text='This is a passage of text about extreme weather',
        labellers=['KeywordClassifier("extreme weather")'],
        labelled_text='extreme weather'

Labelled passages

Our LabelledPassage objects combine a passage of text with the spans that mention a particular concept. They can contain multiple spans, referring to multiple concepts, each labelled through a different method.

from src.labelled_passage import LabelledPassage

labelled_passage = LabelledPassage(
    text="This is a passage of text about extreme weather",
            text='This is a passage of text about extreme weather',
            labellers=['KeywordClassifier("extreme weather")'],
            labelled_text='extreme weather'

Labelled passages are a versatile data structure that we use in many ways. They store the predictions from our classifiers, but passages labelled by human experts can also be used to train new models, or be used as a source of truth for comparing and evaluating the performance of candidate models.

So what is the knowledge graph?

We've built our knowledge graph by running a set of classifiers over our giant corpus of climate-relevant text.

In the short-term, identifying where each concept is mentioned in our documents makes it easier for interested users of CPR's tools to jump straight to the relevant sections of our documents.

In the longer term, we expect the graph to be a useful artefact in its own right. By analysing the structured web of relationships between climate policy concepts and the documents that mention them, we should be able to identify emerging topics and high-leverage areas for policy intervention.