Source for the website
Are you (or do you know) a developer that might want to learn Clojure in the Minneapolis / St. Paul area? We still have openings at the next ClojureBridgeMN workshop!
NOTE as of 0.3.0: This is not a great example of Clojure/ClojureScript programming for the web, but more like a work in progress. Future direction will remove excess state mutation and will be based on
Now ClojureBridgeMN is based on ClojureScript and Om!
The organization of the project is based on marron which is my opinionated reprise of chestnut.
Cross-browser development and debugging is made easy with figwheel.
The website design is intentionally responsive: nearly all
the dimensions are based on the <html>
font size (which is
set by CSS media queries and can be adjusted in the settings page).
That being said the responsive heuristics need additional
tuning to ensure a fantastic out of the box experience
on mobile, tablets and desktops.
An attempt as been made to adjust to a variety of browser quirks:
- Fullscreen mode for browser's that [support it](is supported in those browsers)
- Swipe gestures are supported for touch screens
- Mobile Safari (aka the new IE6) has adaptations for
- clickable div elements (see also Why your click events don't work on Mobile Safari and Click event delegation on the iPhone)
- avoiding the dreaded 300ms delay
- fixing the viewport
The bin/check-zip
script compares the size of the optimized and minified ClojureScript vs. a typical jQuery site:
tmarble@ficelle 116 :) ./bin/check-gzip
check for gzip compression
starting production server
downloading app.js
server used gzip encoding
file is gzip data
uncompressed app.js 487424 bytes
compressed app.js 126976 bytes
a 73.00% reduction
or 150.00% of production jQuery (84345)
stopping production server
tmarble@ficelle 117 :)
That means that the current site -- including all the ClojureScript
and JavaScript libaries -- is only 50% bigger than minified
jQuery *by itself*.
# auto deployment
This section is *extra credit* for those curious about system administration
(and auto deployment to a VPS).
The `bin/update` script can be called with the last committer
and last commit timestamp by the `bit/` script which,
itself, can be called by a git post-update hook.
The `bin/server` script can be called with the usual **start**,
**stop**, or **restart** commands.
If there is a `bin/logrotate.conf` configuration file then
**logrotate** will be called before starting the server.
The following variables will be used in `bin/server.env` if this
file is present:
* **SERVER_ADMIN** the e-mail address of the server adminstrator
* **SERVER_PROJECT** the name of the project (e.g. "clojurebridgemn")
* **SERVER_JAR** the relative path to the uberjar (e.g. "target/uberjar/clojurebridgemn.jar")
* **SERVER_PORT** the port to run the server on (by default 8080)
* **JSTAT_INTERVAL** the interval to run [jstat]( *(optional)*.
* **JVM_OPTS** the JVM tuning options
* **SERVER_COMMITTER** the last committer to the repository
* **SERVER_TIMESTAMP** the timestamp of the last commit
## Plans
There are various features which are needed, but not yet implemented:
* logging!
* using [secretary]( for routing (to support "deep links")
* using [requestAnimationFrame]( to provide timing. This should replace uses of setTimeout and provide a facility for "easing".
## Copyright and license
Copyright © 2015 Tom Marble
Licensed under the [MIT]( [LICENSE](LICENSE)