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CloudFoundry UAA Command Line Client

Build status Gem Version

Operating system compatibility

The uaac CLI is tested on Linux and Mac OS, and is supported on these systems. It is not tested or supported on Windows, though it has been known to work at some point.


From Rubygems:

gem install cf-uaac

Or to build and install the gem:

bundle install
gem build cf-uaac.gemspec
gem install cf-uaac*.gem

Troubleshooting possible installation issues

You may encounter some errors when building native extentions of the required Gems. We redirect you to the documentation of those Gem dependencies, as many different compilation/linking issue may occur.

Typical issues with x86 Darwin systems (i.e. macOS) may involve the following cflags and ldflags options, for the bundler Gem to properly build the required Gems native extensions. You should not use them blindly without knowing what you're doing. If you don't want persistent workarounds in your Bundler config, those settings can also be passed to one-off gem install invocations. Please refer to gem help install and man bundle-config.

bundle config build.eventmachine --with-cflags="-fms-extensions"
bundle config build.mysql2 --with-ldflags="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"
bundle config build.thin --with-cflags="-fms-extensions -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"


The user uses a client (like a webapp, or uaac) to do things. The client and the user have different secrets; both the user's and client's secret are passwords.

Connecting and logging in

  • uaac help opens up the help menu and shows a full list of commands.
  • uaac target tells UAAC which UAA you're targeting. e.g.
  • uaac target <target-number> lets you choose a registered target.
  • uaac targets lists all registered targets.
  • uaac token client get (-s <your-client-secret>) authenticates and gets your token so it can be used by UAAC. The -s or --secret flag is for inputting your secret, otherwise it will be asked for by UAAC.

Now that UAAC has your token, you're able to run commands and hit the endpoints that your client has the proper scopes for. A list of scopes can be found in UAA's API documentation.

To use the APIs, see:

Caveats in connecting

When necessary, the --skip-ssl-validation flag should be used once only, along with the uaac target invocation. See uaac target -h.

Creating clients

Authenticate as admin, or a user with the right permissions: clients.admin or clients.write.

uaac client add -i brings up the interactive interface. If entering multiple values, separate them with commas.

Scopes and authorities are different in the context of a client.

  • Scopes is a list of permitted scopes for this client to obtain on behalf of a user.
  • Authorities is a list of granted authorities for the client, such as uaa.admin or scim.invite.

uaac contexts will list the scopes for a client, which correspond to the users' authorities.


Run the tests with rake:

bundle exec rake test

Run the tests and see a fancy coverage report:

bundle exec rake cov

Run integration tests (on a server running on localhost:8080/uaa):

export UAA_CLIENT_ID="admin"
export UAA_CLIENT_SECRET="adminsecret"
export UAA_CLIENT_TARGET="http://localhost:8080/uaa"
bundle exec rake test