Social vulnerability in the USA to death and property damage for riverine floods at the county scale
Social Vulnerability model prediction data for 500 year riverine floods in the USA for counties in the USA based on the 2010 census. These data include variables from the census, impervious surface from the NLCD, and population described in Using Disaster Outcomes to Validate Components of Social Vulnerability to Floods:Flood Deaths and Property Damage across the USA, with DOI: 10.3390/su12156006 ( Note census variables, and well as the SOVI, have been normalized using their z score and do not represent raw census data values. County names are included. Most variable names are self explanatory, contact with questions. Death rate= death rate per 100,000 people predict per country, and logdamageratio = log of the ratio of property damages in that country (normalized by total housing value according to the 2010 census). Data are in data_predictions.csv.