Prefix Bootstrap classes located in the css and also in the js files
This task use a python script to perform the class prefixing. The original python script has been created by Francois Aucamp (git repo)
###!! PROJECT DISCONTINUED !! Maintaining a script to prefix bootstrap javascript files is quite a headache. Being able to set a list of rules which must be working for any special cases we can find in a javascript file is a lot of work, especially to make it work with different Bootstrap versions. It's less time-consuming to diff each new Bootstrap release and add the prefixes manually.
However, for those who customize the Bootstrap Less/Sass it's necessary to have a way to automate the prefixing of the compiled files. Setting a list of rules to prefix a CSS file is quite trivial compared to a javascript file. Actually, there is already a project which prefix CSS classes :
For those reasons I decided to discontinue this project. You can still use it, but I will not maintain it.
Install this plugin with the following command:
npm install grunt-bootstrap-prefix --save-dev
Load the plugin in your Gruntfile.js:
Running grunt grunt-bootstrap-prefix
// Project configuration.
bootstrap_prefix: {
options: {
// (Required) List of bootstrap CSS file(s). The first file must be the main bootstrap CSS file. The
// script parse it to retrieve all the bootstrap CSS classes which are then used to prefix the JS file(s).
// It's also possible to put minified CSS files in the list.
cssSource: ['lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css','lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-theme.css'],
//(Required) Path to the folder where the prefixed CSS files will be created
cssDest: 'public/bootstrap/css',
//(Optional) List of bootstrap JS file(s). It's also possible to put minified files in the list.
jsSource: ['lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js'],
//(Optional) Path to the folder where the prefixed JS file(s) will be created
jsDest: 'public/bootstrap/js'