A simple pomodoro timer in node for mac
N.B still in dev, not published to npm
git clone git@github.com:cbankester/pom.git
cd pom && npm install && npm link
Usage: pom [options] [Task Name]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --task-duration [number] Specify duration of work in seconds
-b, --break-duration [number] Specify the duration of the break in seconds
-r, --times-to-recur [number] Specify how many work-break cycles to recur until stopping
-p, --time-to-prepare [number] Specify the time-to-prepare in minutes
# TODO --path-to-config Specify the path the config.js file [~/.pom.js]
--begin-event-name [text] Specify the text that should appear when beginning a new section of task [Begin Task]
--break-event-name [text] Specify the text that should appear when taking a break [Take a break]
# TODO -d, --daemonize Run the timer in the background
-v, --verbose Enable logging to the console