Noble-Abel Stiffened Gas (NASG) equations of state (EOS) calibration for compressible diphasic flow under mechanical equilibrium. Calibration of SG EOS parameters is done for a liquid in the presence of its vapor. The EOS parameters are determined from experimental saturation curves.
Le Métayer, O., & Saurel, R. (2016). The noble-abel stiffened-gas equation of state. Physics of Fluids, 28(4), 046102.
This tool is fully compatible under Unix systems, however it is necessary to have the following utilities :
- Make
- Gnuplot
To install them through a package manager you can use the apt
command :
$ sudo apt install pkg-name
With pkg-name
the name of the package that you want to install.
The compilation is done with a Makefile. Under Unix systems it reads :
$ make
To run the calibration tool you just need to type the following :
$ ./exe
If you want to delete all .o
files from the compilation you can run :
$ make clean
In case you want to remove the executable exe
$ make mrproper
To delete all the result files you can do :
$ make resClean
To run a Noble-Abel Stiffened Gas calibration you must provide two files located at the following path NASG-EOS_Calibration/input/
wich contains data of the liquid reference state, the pressure p0 (Pa), the density ρ0 (kg/m3) and the sound speed c0 (m/s).expData.txt
which contains experimental saturation data at the temperature range of study. The first line of this file is not read, there are 7 rows to fill (each one separated by a blank or a tab) as follows:
T (K) | Psat (Pa) | vG (m3/kg) | vL (m3/kg) | hG (J/kg) | hL (J/kg) | Lv (J/kg) |
T1 | Psat1 | vG1 | vL1 | hG1 | hL1 | Lv1 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
TN | PsatN | vGN | vLN | hGN | hLN | LvN |
Remark: the decimal separator must be a dot.
Once the NASG parameters are calibrated you will get their values in the shell environnement.
Theoritical curves can be found in the folder NASG-EOS_Calibration/res/
. If you want to plot theses curves and compare with the experimental ones you will have to go to the folder NASG-EOS_Calibration/res/
and run the script ./
. It might be possible that you don't have the rights to lauch these scripts, thus you will have to do a quick chmod +x
display a preview of all curves in Gnuplot GUI and create in the same time plot files in eps
format in the repository NASG-EOS_Calibration/res/
Under the folder NASG-EOS_Calibration/input/lib/
you can find test cases for validation. The test cases are:
- Liquid/vapor dodecane in the temperature range T ∈ [300-500 K]. Experimental data are from J. R. Simões-Moreira, “Adiabatic evaporation waves” Ph.D. thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, 1994.
- Liquid water and steam in the temperature range T ∈ [300-500 K]. Experimental data are extracted from NIST website.
- Liquid/vapor oxygen in the temperature range T ∈ [60-100 K]. Experimental data are available at the NIST website.
In case of a new calibration, useful experimental data can be found in the NIST website.