Daily diff.
This command line tool facilitates the viewing of git diffs across multiple projects, across multiple days. See what you're doing across teams, and across all the git repos your teams manage.
via homebrew:
brew tap synchronal/tap
brew install dyd
via cargo:
cargo install dyd
Configure git with a GUI difftool:
tool = Kaleidoscope
guitool = Kaleidoscope
prompt = false
[difftool "Kaleidoscope"]
cmd = ksdiff --partial-changeset --relative-path \"$MERGED\" -- \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
[mergetool "Kaleidoscope"]
cmd = ksdiff --merge --output \"$MERGED\" --base \"$BASE\" -- \"$LOCAL\" --snapshot \"$REMOTE\" --snapshot
trustExitCode = true
Create a manifest file at dyd.toml
with the following format:
since = "3 days ago"
# " ^^^^ days | weeks | months
## difftool = "my diff tool"
difftool = "git" # Uses the configured default GUI difftool.
difftool = "github" # Uses the `open` command to open a diff in the GitHub site.
difftool = "git difftool --dir-diff --tool=intellij -y ${DIFF}" # Arbitrary commands may be set.
name = "DYD"
origin = "git@github.com:synchronal/dyd"
name = "TUI"
origin = "git@github.com:fdehau/tui-rs"
name = "TUI"
origin = "git@github.com:fdehau/tui-rs"
- Must be in the format<N>
. Defaults to1 week ago
- Optional command to run in order to open a diff. Defaults togit difftool -g -y ${DIFF}
.- Variables that will be interpolated into the command, and also made available in the difftool
ENV. IMPORTANT: variables will only be replaced if they are in the format
, including braces.DIFF
- in the format@{u}..HEAD
- the working directory thatdyd
was run from.ORIGIN
- the origin used to check out the repository, iegit@github.com:<org>/<repo>(.git)?
- the sha of the earlier commit of the diff.REF_TO
- the sha of the more recent commit of the diff.HEAD
- Variables that will be interpolated into the command, and also made available in the difftool
ENV. IMPORTANT: variables will only be replaced if they are in the format
- a list of remote repositories to clone and pull.name
- Text to show in the UI.origin
- The git origin from which to pull.branch
- An optional branch to show diffs from. Depends on being able to view logs viaorigin/{branch}
Ensure that your shell is authorized with the origin. DYD will not route input to the SSH agent.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Open the diff tool:
dyd -m dyd.toml
dyd --manifest dyd.toml
DYD_MANIFEST_PATH="dyd.toml" dyd diff
h l <left> <right> <tab> - switch panes
j k <up> <down> - change current selection
d - open git gui difftool
q <esc> - quit
When all repos in a manifest have their origins in GitHub, dyd
can be configured to open diffs in
the system's default browser.
Add to your dyd.toml
manifest file:
difftool = "github"
(You can download IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition for free, which has a pretty good graphical difftool.)
Add to your ~/.gitconfig
tool = intellij
guitool = intellij
[difftool "intellij"]
cmd = open -nWa 'IntelliJ IDEA CE.app' --args diff $(realpath "$LOCAL") $(realpath "$REMOTE")
Add to your dyd.toml
manifest file:
difftool = "git difftool --dir-diff --tool=intellij -y ${DIFF}"
- gitx
- kdiff3
- ???