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A cross platform entry management app build on top of Electron


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💼 About

Summer SDE-Intern Hiring Challenge SummerGeeks - Innovaccer

A desktop app build on top of Electron - an open source framework which can be used for creating cross platform desktop native applications. This app handles entry management system for easy office Checkins and Checkouts. This project allows a host and a user to fill in their details and timestamp of their entry is generated automatically. ALso, Database handling for storing and fetching the data is done via Firebase real-time database system. For mailing and messaging system Nodemailer and Nexmo api respectively is been setup.

🔌 Installation

⚙️ Development

Just want to run the application, you can do is

  • Clone the repository
$ git clone
  • Install dependencies by using the following commands.
$ cd greetify
$ sudo npm install

Note: If you want to allow native Nodejs modules to work against the version of Nodejs your electron project is using then

$ npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild
$ $(npm bin)/electron-rebuild

Add both the above commands to allow electron to work in your Nodejs environment. One needs to do electron rebuild to allow grpc work for the electron app

  • Get your own API Key & API Secret from Nexmo API for messaging funtionality to work.

  • create a .env file in root directory and assign the following environment variables

$ cd greetify
$ touch .env

$ echo "EMAIL={your email id}" >> .env
$ echo "PASSWORD={your email password}" >> .env
$ echo "NEXMOAPIKEY={your nexmo api key for sms}" >> .env
$ echo "NEXMOAPISECRET={your nexmo api secret for sms}" >> .env

It considered a good practice to hid your credentials in .env file and then not pushing onto the version control, though this project had less scope for that.

  • Finally run the application using
$ npm start

Note: Add electron . inside the start script to run.

  • Finally if you are facing the error " Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system ” related to grpc then here is an article for help. Firestore(Firebase) also uses gRPC so one needs to install this Devdependency in their package.json to resolve this error.

📂 File Structure

  • File structure with the basic details about files and directories.
- __greetify__
  - [LICENSE](greetify/LICENSE)
  - [](greetify/
  - [index.html](greetify/index.html)
  - [](greetify/
  - __logo__
    - [Greetify.png](greetify/logo/Greetify.png)
    - __favicon_io__
      - [favicon16.png](greetify/logo/favicon_io/favicon16.png)
      - [favicon.ico](greetify/logo/favicon_io/favicon.ico)
      - [favicon32.png](greetify/logo/favicon_io/favicon32.png)
    - [greetify.png](greetify/logo/greetify.png)
    - [guest-1.png](greetify/logo/guest-1.png)
  - [node_modules](greetify/node_modules)
  - [package-lock.json](greetify/package-lock.json)
  - [package.json](greetify/package.json)
  - [addGuest.html](greetify/public/addGuest.html)
  - [guestDetails.html](greetify/public/guestDetails.html)
  - [loginHost.html](greetify/public/#Host.html)
  - __screenshots__
    - [1.png](greetify/screenshots/1.png)
    - [2.png](greetify/screenshots/2.png)
    - [3.png](greetify/screenshots/3.png)
    - [4.png](greetify/screenshots/4.png)
    - [5.png](greetify/screenshots/5.png)
    - [6.png](greetify/screenshots/6.png)
    - [7.jpg](greetify/screenshots/7.jpg)
  - [emailClient.js](greetify/scripts/emailClient.js)
  - [firebase.js](greetify/scripts/firebase.js)
  - [index.js](greetify/scripts/index.js)


📜 Guidelines

  • Contribution Guidelines

Kindly follow the Contributions Guildlines before you create any pull requests or issues. Though feel free to contribute in any form.
Open Source <3

🌟 Present Contributors


Want to share your ideas

Feel free to reach out to me


🔒 License
