Summer SDE-Intern Hiring Challenge SummerGeeks - Innovaccer
A desktop app build on top of Electron - an open source framework which can be used for creating cross platform desktop native applications. This app handles entry management system for easy office Checkins and Checkouts. This project allows a host and a user to fill in their details and timestamp of their entry is generated automatically. ALso, Database handling for storing and fetching the data is done via Firebase real-time database system. For mailing and messaging system Nodemailer and Nexmo api respectively is been setup.
Just want to run the application, you can do is
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Install dependencies by using the following commands.
$ cd greetify
$ sudo npm install
Note: If you want to allow native Nodejs modules to work against the version of Nodejs your electron project is using then
$ npm install --save-dev electron-rebuild
$ $(npm bin)/electron-rebuild
Add both the above commands to allow electron to work in your Nodejs environment. One needs to do electron rebuild to allow grpc work for the electron app
Get your own API Key & API Secret from Nexmo API for messaging funtionality to work.
create a
file in root directory and assign the following environment variables
$ cd greetify
$ touch .env
$ echo "EMAIL={your email id}" >> .env
$ echo "PASSWORD={your email password}" >> .env
$ echo "NEXMOAPIKEY={your nexmo api key for sms}" >> .env
$ echo "NEXMOAPISECRET={your nexmo api secret for sms}" >> .env
It considered a good practice to hid your credentials in .env file and then not pushing onto the version control, though this project had less scope for that.
- Finally run the application using
$ npm start
Note: Add electron . inside the start script to run.
- Finally if you are facing the error " Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system ” related to grpc then here is an article for help. Firestore(Firebase) also uses gRPC so one needs to install this Devdependency in their package.json to resolve this error.
- File structure with the basic details about files and directories.
- __greetify__
- [LICENSE](greetify/LICENSE)
- [](greetify/
- [index.html](greetify/index.html)
- [](greetify/
- __logo__
- [Greetify.png](greetify/logo/Greetify.png)
- __favicon_io__
- [favicon16.png](greetify/logo/favicon_io/favicon16.png)
- [favicon.ico](greetify/logo/favicon_io/favicon.ico)
- [favicon32.png](greetify/logo/favicon_io/favicon32.png)
- [greetify.png](greetify/logo/greetify.png)
- [guest-1.png](greetify/logo/guest-1.png)
- [node_modules](greetify/node_modules)
- [package-lock.json](greetify/package-lock.json)
- [package.json](greetify/package.json)
- [addGuest.html](greetify/public/addGuest.html)
- [guestDetails.html](greetify/public/guestDetails.html)
- [loginHost.html](greetify/public/#Host.html)
- __screenshots__
- [1.png](greetify/screenshots/1.png)
- [2.png](greetify/screenshots/2.png)
- [3.png](greetify/screenshots/3.png)
- [4.png](greetify/screenshots/4.png)
- [5.png](greetify/screenshots/5.png)
- [6.png](greetify/screenshots/6.png)
- [7.jpg](greetify/screenshots/7.jpg)
- [emailClient.js](greetify/scripts/emailClient.js)
- [firebase.js](greetify/scripts/firebase.js)
- [index.js](greetify/scripts/index.js)
- Contribution Guidelines
Kindly follow the Contributions Guildlines before you create any pull requests or issues. Though feel free to contribute in any form.
Open Source <3
Feel free to reach out to me