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2.2.6 IModuleDockingHatch

Joseph Korinek edited this page May 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

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public interface IModuleDockingHatch
    bool HatchOpen { get; set; }
    string HatchStatus { get; }
    bool IsDocked { get; }
    ModuleDockingNode ModDockNode { get; }
    BaseEventList HatchEvents { get; }

The IModuleDockingHatch is a CLS Created module that is added at run time to the ModuleDockingNode module of any part that contains a ModuleDockingNode module. It effectively creates a hatch object for a docking node.


  • HatchOpen This property returns the Hatches open State. True = Open.
  • HatchStatus This property returns the string representation of the HatchOpen state.
  • IsDocked This property returns the Docked state of the Hatch. True = Docked.
  • ModDockNode This property returns the parent ModuleDockingNode module of the part.
  • HatchEvents This property returns the List of events associated with the IModuleDockingHatch. You can use this property to Open and close hatches.