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Multi Channel Random Data Charts


  • React
  • Typescript
  • Vite
  • framer-motion
  • react-icons
  • Tailwind.css


Control buttons

You can declare the channel count and control the iteration. When you click start, timer will start and the stop button will be available to click. Control Buttons


You can see the random data on the charts. You can click the save button and set name of the file and a json file will be downloaded. When you click to load button and select your file or drag & drop to over the button. Chart Component

Project Structure

Folder structure in src folder : Folder Structure


App component contains 4 state.

generatorInverval : interval for generating new random number count : count of channel(s) data: 2 dimensional array for storing data timer : timer for generating new random number App.tsx States


this use effect is using for that when we change the count value then it will add or remove the channel App.tsx useEffect

Start,Stop and Reset Functions

This functions using for control buttons. ![[Pasted image 20231130124350.png]]


Chart code part 1 Chart code part 2 Chart component takes 2 argument as title and data and shows the data with other components


This component is the Bar of the BarChart. Alt text getRGB function returns a RGB value for background color of the bar. Its running like a hash function because its returns the same color for same value therefore when you upload a saved state, you can see the same chart.


DataControls component is using for the save/load process. Data Control buttons for (save/load)

For more detail you can inspect the code , I added many comment lines


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