Data Driven Components (briefly DDC) is a javascript jquery plugin that simplify data handling component building through easy and flexible options definitions. The goal with this approach would be give a way to build Single-Page Application in a while provided that the database has already been designed and built.
The following libraries are required for DDC to function properly:
Just put the library with his dependancies in your index.html page as described in the docs folder.
<script src=""></script>
Return [semver] compatible version number
Returns: String
, Actual version
Empty all root nodes except those passed in parameter arrays
except: Array
, Array of elements to not empty
Returns: void
Append a datatable -
parameters: object
, Object with elements required to generate the html snippet:
- datatableId: valid html5 id attribute; see
- ajax: asyncronous function call options
- ajax.jsend: set the [jsend] compatibility
- ajax.responseDataKey: if ajax.jsend is false, set the object key contains data
- ajax.url: a valid url address
- buttons: array that defines the buttons that will appear in the document to the end user as documented at
- dom: String that define the table control elements to appear on the page and in what order as documented at
- onClick: function callback called on row's item clicked
- panel: string that define the title of a bootstrap panel to wrap into
- pageLength: integer Number of rows to display on a single page when using pagination as documented at
- priorityColumns: array of elements to set visibility priority to the columns, telling Responsive which columns it should remove before others; see
- response: dataset response object in [jsend] format with optional schema (columns info)
Returns: void
datatableId: 'datatable1',
response: {
data: [
"id": 1,
"name": "Leanne Graham",
"username": "Bret",
"email": "",
"phone": "1-770-736-8031 x56442",
"website": "",
"edit": "<center><button id=\"1\"></button></center>"
"id": 2,
"name": "Ervin Howell",
"username": "Antonette",
"email": "",
"phone": "010-692-6593 x09125",
"website": "",
"edit": "<center><button id=\"2\"></button></center>"
buttons: [],
priorityColumns: {name: 1, username: 2, email: 3},
onClick: datatable1Click
// callback function
function datatable1Click(this) {
var id = $(this).attr('id')
datatableId: 'datatable1',
ajax: {
url: '',
responseDataKey: 'results',
jsend: false
response: null,
buttons: [],
priorityColumns: {name: 1, username: 2, email: 3},
onClick: datatable1Click
// callback function
function datatable1Click(this) {
var id = $(this).attr('id')
Append a bootstrap form with inputs and input-group-addon
parameters: object
, Object with elements required to generate the html snippet:
- formId: valid html5 id attribute; see
- ajax: asyncronous function call options
- ajax.jsend: set the [jsend] compatibility
- ajax.responseDataKey: if ajax.jsend is false, set the object key contains data
- ajax.url: a valid url address
- buttons: array of objects [button0, button1, ..., buttonN]
- string representing the html button label
- button0.class: valid html class attribute; see
- valid html5 id attribute; see
- button0.onClick: function callback called on button clicked
- datepicker: Datepicker options; see
- fields: array of objects [field0, field1, ..., fieldN]
- field0.addon: optional array of elements
- field0.addon.icon: string without "fa" representing the span class (require [Font Awesome]
- field0.addon.onClick: function callback called on addon span clicked
- field0.class: optional string representing one or more html class attribute see
- string representing the html input label also used as id after removing the spaces and concatenated with formId []
- field0.readonly: boolean - if true make field readonly
- field0.type: data type [string|bool|lookup|datepicker] - override schema.fields.native_type (lookup require [bootstrap-combobox] (datepicker require [bootstrap-datepicker]
- modal: optional string render the form in modal with the specified title
- panel: string that define the title of a bootstrap panel to wrap into
- response: dataset response object in jsend format with optional schema (ex. PHP PDO getColumnMeta)
Returns: void
formId: 'form2',
title: 'Form',
panel: 'Form with manual data',
datepicker: {
autoclose: 'true',
language: 'it',
format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'
response: {
data: [
field1: 'value1',
field2: 'value2',
field3: true,
field4: '2017-01-01'
schema: {
fields: [
{name: "field1", native_type: "varchar"},
{name: "field2", native_type: "varchar"},
{name: "field3", native_type: "bool"},
{name: "field4", native_type: "date"}
fields: [
name: "field1",
class: 'col-4',
type: "lookup",
data: [
{ value: '001', text: 'lookupform1' },
{ value: '002', text: 'lookupform2' }
{name: "field2", class: 'col-4', addon: { icon: 'reply', onClick: form1Click }},
{name: "field3", class: 'col-4'},
{name: "field4", class: 'col-4', type: 'datepicker'}
buttons: [
{ name: "Cancel", class: "btn btn-default" },
{ name: "Add", class: "btn btn-primary", id: 'addForm2Send', onClick: addFormSend }
// callback function for button
function addFormSend(parameters) {
// callback function for addon
function form1Click(this) {
var id = $(this).attr('id')
formId: 'form1',
panel: 'Form with ajax remote data',
response: null,
fields: [
name: "field1",
type: "lookup",
url: ''
{name: "field2", type: "string"},
{name: "field3", type: "bool"}
buttons: [
{ name: "Cancel", class: "btn btn-default" },
{ name: "Add", class: "btn btn-primary", id: 'addForm1Send', onClick: addFormSend }
// callback function for button
function addFormSend(parameters) {
Get or set a language locale
locale: string
, Optional language locale setter
Returns: Array
, Actual country code and language locale
Append a bootstrap modal with title and message
modalId: string
, A valid html5 id attribute; see
title: string
, The modal title
message: string
, The modal body contains the message
buttons: Array
, array of objects [button0, button1, ..., buttonN]
- button0.class: valid html class attribute; see
- string value usable in callback
- valid html5 id attribute; see
- string representing the html button label
- button0.onClick: function callback called on button clicked
Returns: void
$('#root').ddcModal('modal1', 'Modal Title', 'This is a message.');
// callback functions
function addModalSend(value) {
$('#root').ddcModal('modal1', 'Modal Title', 'This is a message.', [
{ name: "Cancel", class: "btn btn-default" },
{ name: "Add", class: "btn btn-primary", data: 'myValue', id: 'addModalSend', onClick: addModalSend }
Append a bootstrap navbar menu with items and dropdown sub-items
parameters: object
, Object with elements required to generate the html snippet:
- navbarId: valid html5 id attribute; see
- items: array of objects [item0, item1, ..., itemN]
- null if it has submenu or valid html5 id attribute
- null as separator or string representing the html value of item visible to the user
- item0.submenu: optional array of items object [subitem0, subitem1, ..., subitemN]
- item0.onClick: function callback called on item/subitem click
Returns: void
// callback functions
function navbar1Click(id) {
$('#root').ddcModal('modal1', 'Navbar Click', 'Navbar subitem 1 clicked.');
function navbar2Click(id) {
$('#root').ddcModal('modal1', 'Navbar Click', 'Navbar subitem 2 clicked.');
function navbar3Click(id) {
$('#root').ddcModal('modal1', 'Navbar Click', 'Navbar item 3 clicked.');
$(document).ready(function() {
navbarId: 'navbar1', // id attribute
items: [
id: null, // id attribute
name: "Item 1", // html value visible to the user
submenu: [
{ id: 1, name: "Subitem 1", onClick: navbar1Click},
{ id: null, name: null }, // separator
{ id: 2, name: "Subitem 2", onClick: navbar2Click}
{ id: 3, name: "Item 3", onClick: navbar3Click},