By Addy Osmani, James Cryer & Pearl Chen with Annotation Tutorial by Codio
In this code lab, you build a fully functional web application from scratch with the help of Yeoman. You'll also use features from Grunt and Bower. The sample app will be written in AngularJS.
Take a look at the image below. You can see the Codio IDE with
- the step-by-step tutorial content in the right hand panel
- your terminal and code windows on the left
So you can work your way through the tutorial really easily without having to switch windows or tabs.
##SETUP Getting going is trivial ...
- Create an account on Codio (you can # with GitHub) and #.
- Create a new project clicking the Create Project button and then, as shown above, select the Git tab.
- Paste into the 'Clone a Git repo' field
. - When you press 'Create' you will be taken straight into the IDE.
- Go to the Tools->Guides(Beta)>Play menu option and simply follow the instructions.
###Video If you'd like to see how Codio and this Codelab tutorial work together, here's a very short video.