Releases: cognitedata/reveal
Reveal comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r133). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal.
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- improvement: apply all node style changes within same 'tick' at the same time (#1715)
📖 Documentation
- doc: adjust TimelineTool example (#1716)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal.
Reveal 2.2 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r133). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal.
🚀 Features
- feat: Add Timeline Tool to apply a node style to different node for Model construction progression (#1636)
- feat: add support for automatic clustering of overlapping overlays to HtmlOverlayTool (#1706)
- feat: add HtmlOverlayTool.elements for listing all elements (#1697)
- feat: add Cognite3dModel.updateStyledNodeCollection() and styledNodeCollections (#1688)
- feat: allow placing the loading indicator in any corner and control opacity (#1682)
- feat: add DataSource and the ability to change to custom data sources (#1633)
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- improvement: better shading for ghosted geometry and better render performance (#1677)
- improvement: replace noise texture in SSAO with noise function (#1664)
- fix: bug that 'locked' the camera after 720 degrees rotation (#1653)
- fix: bug causing changes to custom objects not to cause matrix to be updated (#1702)
- fix: correct worldToNormalizedCoordinates to handle pixel ratio properly (#1700
- fix: allow users to turn off metrics logging (#1705)
- fix: correct SSAO blur pass (#1681)
- refac: improve handling of node appearance in shaders (#1709)
- chore: add devcontainer setup (#1704)
📖 Documentation
- doc: fix typo in HtmlOverlay doc example (#1701)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal.
Reveal 2.1.2 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r133). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- fix: types not being bundled correctly
Reveal 2.1 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r131). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal.
🚀 Features
- feat: add Cognite3DModel.modelUnit and modelUnitToMetersFactor (#1619)
- feat: add support for limiting loaded geometry by "render cost" (#1623)
- feat: Add Geomap tool to support models to be placed on maps (#1582)
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- fix:handle non-determinant depth values after resizing when MSAA is enabled causing custom objects to be invisible (#1627)
- fix: setting view state now unassigns previous styles instead of clearing them (#1630)
- fix: when two models was loaded and one was ghosted the other model was invisible (#1620)
- fix: UI overlays (e.g. axis cross) didn't rerender when viewer was resized (#1615)
- fix: general cylinder bounding box being incorrectly computed (#1611)
- fix: issue causing HtmlOverlayTool to misplace elements when 3D viewer was scaled on large screens (#1596)
- fix: issue causing edges to "bleed through" custom objects (#1586)
- fix: setting Cognite3DModel.visible has no effect (#1591)
- improvement: optimize floatBitSubset shader (#1622)
- improvement: point cloud budget is now shared between all loaded models and clipping planes are supported (#1570)
- refac: use 'loglevel' package for logging (#1625)
- refac: deprecate setSlicingPlanes and add setClippingPlanes (#1618)
- refac: migrate viewer to yarn 2 workspaces (#1564)
- chore: ci now properly fails on linting error (#1631)
📖 Documentation
- doc: SinglePropertyFilterNodeCollection is not experimental anymore (#1634)
- doc: split release procedure to separate .md (#1641)
- doc: fixed draggable clipping plane example
- doc: add information on how to build for Macbook M1 (#1607)
- feat: allow filtering visible sectors using regex in DebugLoadedSectorsTool (#1614)
- feat: create UI component for controlling CAD budget in examples (#1610)
- feat: DebugLoadedSectorsTool now supports randomly coloring sectors (#1609)
- feat: dynamically set CAD budget in example (#1606)
- feat: enable locally hosted models in Migration example (#1595)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal.
This is a new major version of Reveal. Reveal 2.0 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r128). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal.
🚀 Features
- feat: save / restore viewer state (#1523)
- feat: add Cognite3DModel.getAncestorsByTreeIndices and add example for highlight-on-click (#1538)
- feat: repurpose Spinner to be Spinner+CogniteLogo which is always visible (#1553)
- feat: add Cognite3DViewer.models to access currently added models (#1506)
- feat: add more performant and flexible API for styling nodes (#1371)
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- fix: not able to load same model twice [REV-132] (#1555)
- fix: bug causing Cognite3DModel.getModelBoundingBox() to throw for models with only two sectors (#1565)
- fix: issue causing HtmlOverlayTool to misplace elements when 3D viewer was scaled on large screens (#1596)
- fix: geometry filters will now only affect the model they are associated with (#1562)
- fix: issue causing assertion error when removing CAD model while sectors are being loaded (#1561)
- fix: add assert as a direct dependency to make sure it's available in client projects (#1544)
- fix: remove @internal from Cognite3DViewerToolBase (#1531)
- fix: bug causing black fade for cad models when resizing screen (#1504)
- fix: issue with MSAA quality setting causing black screen (#1484)
- improvement: introduce LOD rendering of torus geometries to improve quality of certain primitives (#1576)
- improvement: upgrade @cognite/sdk to 5.x (#1568)
- improvement: CTM cache will no longer trigger many requests for the same file (#1551)
- improvement: replace pink and purple outline colors with green and red [REV-171] (#1541)
- improvement: Cognite3DModel.getSubtreeIndices() now returns a range (#1525)
- improvement: improve performance of applying styles by avoiding allocations of arrays (#1527)
- refac: rename Cognite3DViewer.forceRerender() to requestRedraw() (#1594) (#1597)
- refac: remove redundant call to clone() (#1546)
- refac: make Cognite3DViewer.getIntersectionFromPixel async [REV-176] (#1540)
- refac: remove Cognite3DModel.loadingHints (#1526)
- refac: replace gl-matrix with ThreeJS (#1513)
- refac: migrate @cognite/three-combo-controls source code to this code base (#1493)
- chore: remove sdk-core from dev deps (#1502)
📖 Documentation
- doc: separate 1.x and 2.x section (#1552)
- doc: improve getting started (#1569)
- doc: fix many uses of async/await that failed. Minor doc improvements (#1560)
- doc: minor release procedure doc improvement (#1548)
- doc: update to latest typedoc and Typescript 4.2 (#1507)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal.
This is a beta release of the next major version of Reveal. Reveal 2.0 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r128). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal
🚀 Features
- feat: add Cognite3DModel.getAncestorsTreeIndices and add example for highlight-on-click (#1538)
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- fix: not able to load same model twice [REV-132] (#1555)
- improvement: CTM cache will no longer trigger many requests for the same file (#1551)
- improvement: loading spinner is now combined with the Cognite logo and shows Reveal version on hover (#1553)
📖 Documentation
- docs: allow classes and async/await in live examples (#1543)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal.
This is a beta release of the next major version of Reveal. Reveal 2.0 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not have this as a dependency in your project. If you still want to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (r128). You can also use three.js version exported by Reveal as import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal
Migrating from 2.0.0-beta.0
There are some notable changes between beta.0 and this version:
- Cognite3DViewer.getIntersectionFromPixel() is now async
- Renamed a lot of classes in the styling API:
- NodeSet -> NodeCollectionBase
- ByNodePropertyNodeSet -> PropertyFilterNodeCollection
- ByAssetNodeSet -> AssetNodeCollection
- ByTreeIndexNodeSet -> TreeIndexNodeCollection
- InvertedNodeSet -> InvertedNodeCollection
- CombinedNodeSet -> replaced by UnionNodeCollection and IntersectionNodeCollection
- Renamed some functions in Cognite3DModel:
- addStyledNodeSet -> assignStyledNodeCollection
- removeStyledNodeSet -> unassignStyledNodeCollection
- removeAllStyledNodeSets -> removeAllStyledNodeCollections
- Note that assignStyledNodeCollection can be used to assign a new style, or change the styling of an existing "styled node collection"
🚀 Features
- feat: add SinglePropertyNodeCollection for matching on many property values on a single node property (experimental) (#1516)
- feat: Implement save / restore viewer state (#1523)
- feat: ByTreeIndexNodeSet - allow empty constructor (#1524)
- feat: add NodeSet.clear() (#1519)
- feat: add Cognite3DViewer.models to access currently added models (#1506)
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- fix: Bug causing black fade for cad models when resizing screen (#1504)
- fix: remove @internal from Cognite3DViewerToolBase. This should fix an issue where HtmlOverlayTool could not be imported. (#1531)
- fix: add assert as a direct dependency to make sure it's available in client projects (#1544)
- improvement: replace pink and purple outline colors with green and red [REV-171] (#1541)
- improvement: Cognite3DModel.getSubtreeIndices() now returns a range (#1525)
- improvement: improve performance of applying styles by avoiding allocations of arrays (#1527)
- refac: make Cognite3DViewer.getIntersectionFromPixel async [REV-176] (#1540)
- refac: rename NodeSet to NodeCollection (#1539)
- chore: update potree-core, move sdk-core to peerDeps
- chore: replace gl-matrix with ThreeJS (#1513)
- chore: remove Cognite3DModel.loadingHints (#1526)
- chore: upgrade viewer/examples to TypeScript 4.3 (#1508)
- chore: remove sdk-core from dev deps (#1502)
📖 Documentation
- docs: fix example in cad-styling-custom.mdx (#1536)
- doc: update migration documentation to accommodate for migration from version 1 to 2 (#1505)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal.
This is a beta release of the next major version of Reveal. Reveal 2.0 comes with ThreeJS embedded so you do not to have this as a dependency in your project. Note that if you are using ThreeJS directly, you will need to have it as a direct dependency in your project or import it using import { THREE } from '@cognite/reveal'
. If you choose to have it as a direct dependency, it must match the version used by Reveal (0.128.0).
🚀 Features
- Add more performant and flexible API for styling nodes (#1371)
- Add an axis view tool (#1456)
- When a geometry filter is active, cull away (most) geometry outside the filter (#1424)
🐞 Bug fixes and enhancements
- Bump ThreeJS to r128 (#1494)
- Set ThreeJS to a static version and add as common dependency (#1472)
- Better handling of errors in web workers (#1473)
- Bug causing sectors to never load after a network failure [REV-152] (#1454)
- Replace non-standard array initialisation that fails on Safari (#1459)
- Force re-render after screenshot to avoid black screen [REV-153] (#1469)
- Certain MSAA quality settings causes black screen (#1484)
- Remove deprecated functionality [REV-165] (#1476)
See installation documentation for details about installing Reveal and migration documentation for information about migration from version 1 to 2.
This version of Reveal requires ThreeJS r125.
- avoid viewer crash caused by wrong comlink dependency version
This version requires @cognite/reveal-parser-worker@1.1.1
as the minimum version. If you use the following line somewhere in your application
revealEnv.publichPath = ''
just delete it completely if it exactly the same. Otherwise, consult the docs regarding upgrading the parser-worker version on your own static server.
This is a technical release that fixes issues with internal dependencies (comlink library).
This version of parser-worker will be a minimum required version for all further reveal releases starting from 1.5.5